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Having your pet neutered

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Plain Talker, completely off topic in regards to this thread but i take issue with part of your signature.


I would never have my dog "done" but i am a very responsible owner, you should modify that statement. :mad:


Sorry also off topic but neutering is not just about preventing breeding it helps to prevent mammory tumours, pyometra and testicular cancer to name a few. Bitchs are less likely to suffer phantom pregnancies and males can generally be more relaxed and sociable with others. Neutering is a responsible decision even for breeders once a dog is no longer being used in this manner.

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responding to OT comment:-


megalithic, it's totally your right to have your dog or bitch neutered, or not , as you choose.


I just think that responsible owners don't breed for the sake of breeding.


My bitch is "done", so I'm quite happy in the knowledge that she will be a statistically longer-lived, healthier and happier little girl, without her "bits". I am happy to know that she has virtually a nil risk of Pyometra, and a similar low-to-nil risk for reproductive or mammary cancers.


I don't have to keep her away from male dogs for two months out of the year due to her coming into season, and risking her getting "caught" in pup.


I'm even happier to know that she won't be producing litters, adding to the hordes of unwanted, ill-treated, abandoned dogs being put to sleep daily in the pounds up and down the country.


My wallet is also really happy to know that it won't be punched in the guts by unexpected and ridiculously high veterinary bills as a result of her needing emergency surgery to deliver pups when she gets into difficulty whelping.


I know I won't be wearing my little girl into the ground by letting her have litter after litter, unnecessarily. (I've seen the state of some of these brood-bitches when they've been dumped after they are too weak to produce any more litters, and are no more use to the scumbag puppy-farm type of breeders.)


So.. my last three canines were "done" (including my current little girl) , I'm happy to say, and my last six cats (including my current two) have all been done too.


I'm proud to say that I would not have an "entire" dog or cat, I'd always have them neutered.

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PT, could you ask Medusa or one of the other mods to start a new thread and move our posts there, i'm not one for subverting other peoples threads but i'd like to take issue with your stance.

As a mere GL i can't do it.


In the mean time.


Line 2 of your post.


Thanks for respecting my right as an owner.


Line 4, or first paragraph.


How far do we go to secure longevity. ?

Genetic modification. ?


The next paragraph.


Neither do i, she's either confined to our larger than average garden or on a lead.


Next paragraph.


i got my jrt from someone who no longer wanted her, at 4 yrs old, after 3 weeks i found she was pregnant, she had the pups and we found good owners.

No chance of her becoming pregnant again, zilch, zero, she's always supervised.


Next paragraph.


Ever heard of insurance. ?


Next paragraph.


Neither will i, see my responsible owner comment above.


Your last line.


Would you do the same to your children. ?


Sorry for my inadequate use of the quote and reply facility, that's something i've yet to master, i'd rather take my happy little jrt for a nice 12 miler in Derbyshire than study IT. ; )

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PT, could you ask Medusa or one of the other mods to start a new thread and move our posts there, i'm not one for subverting other peoples threads but i'd like to take issue with your stance.

As a mere GL i can't do it.


In the mean time.


Line 2 of your post.


Thanks for respecting my right as an owner.


Line 4, or first paragraph.


How far do we go to secure longevity. ?

Genetic modification. ?


The next paragraph.


Neither do i, she's either confined to our larger than average garden or on a lead.


Next paragraph.


i got my jrt from someone who no longer wanted her, at 4 yrs old, after 3 weeks i found she was pregnant, she had the pups and we found good owners.

No chance of her becoming pregnant again, zilch, zero, she's always supervised.


Next paragraph.


Ever heard of insurance. ?


Next paragraph.


Neither will i, see my responsible owner comment above.


Your last line.


Would you do the same to your children. ?


Sorry for my inadequate use of the quote and reply facility, that's something i've yet to master, i'd rather take my happy little jrt for a nice 12 miler in Derbyshire than study IT. ; )


ok, to respond:-

even though you keep her in a secure garden, you can't guarantee she'll never escape whilst in heat, or that a dog couldn't get to her by accident or someone else's designs... so she could theoretically get caught in pup.


Insurance? no insurance covers pregnancy or whelping, nor any complications the pet might have, which are related to them.


would I do it to my kids?

well, I wouldn't have them spayed (!) lol, but I would certainly encourage them to use contraception until they are old enough and secure enough to provide for kids of their own..


A dog is at the mercy of its hormones, and will procreate left, right and centre given the chance. it doesn't understand the concept of abstaining or using contraception, which is why, IMO, we humans should be responsible, and ensure they aren't put in the position of breeding and breeding.


As humans we can be more rational and "take precautions" as my father calls it.

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Thanks for asking for a topic to be created PT.


As for your reply.


No way she can escape from our garden, a rat would struggle to escape.:D

I'm a gardener and have tried my best to cat proof our garden from them entering and leaving us presents.


Left side of garden 6ft privet with mesh to 4ft, right side of garden 6ft panel fence.

One access gate, no gaps, 6ft.

Top of garden 25ft brick wall, backs onto a house.

She's a jrt with no climbing gear, pretty secure i'd say.


When we are out she's closely supervised, though it's not normally needed, not many randy dogs on Kinder Scout etc.


Ok, i may be the exception but your sig does rile me a little.

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sorry Mega, trying to respond, and it's late, and I'm tired...




Partially the lines they come from, and partially keeping the dog as healthy as we can by ensuring prompt vet treatment if they are ill, and not letting the animal breed indiscriminately.


I think the case is somewhat supported by the fact that your own JRT (got a JRT, totally love them!) was a dumpee, like mine, and had a litter of pups. I think you were fortunate to find loving homes for them, as so many pups don't find loving homes.

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