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Can a doctor pick up serious diseases with these tests?

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Well thats not very helpful is it? The OP is seriously worried by the sounds of it, so i suggest if you have nothing serious to say then dont bother posting.

Your free to suggest what you like.


I am trying to lighten up the atmosphere, the last thing you want if your worried about something is get caught up in it too much that you cant have a laugh, humour believe it or not is quite therapeutic.

If you can laugh for a bit you break up the cycle of thought momentarily and that helps. Worry is self perpetuating and the more you do it the worse it is, what's the saying, nothing to fear but fear its self ? I don't know what that means but to me it sounds like whatever the situation worrying about it is sure not going to make it any better.


So I am sorry but I don't consider my post out of place so I won't be taking any notice of your request.


To the OP, try not to think about it too much, wait for the results and talk to your GP if you have any concerns.

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You need to seek help for this obsession with disease which is ruining your life. On another thread you're convinced you have Motor Neurone disease, even though the doctor has done the standard tests and ruled it out. Now it's translated to stomach cancer.


If you don't get this sorted, you are in danger of not being taken seriously by your doctor if, God forbid, you were actually ill.


Talk to your doctor about your anxiety, because that it was all this is. You can get help and start living a happy life.

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