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Worried about Motor Neurone Disease for some reason

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I am 29 and i am really worried/terrified that i have Motor Neurone Disease.


I am having problems, My arms/legs feel weak along with other parts of my body, I am getting a lot of twitching in different parts of my body as well and muscle pains, I'm getting tingling in a lot of places too and my tongue also feels numb.


Apparently there are 3 types of MND and 1 type which accounts for 20% of cases starts with problems with speech and difficulty swallowing, Recently my mouth muscles feel weak and sometimes i feel like i am struggling to eat and i do have difficulty swallowing sometimes but i don't have slurred speech.


Even though i feel weak i have never fallen over but i do feel a bit clumsy.


I know MND is quite a rare disease that mainly occurs in people over 40 and usually in people aged between 50 and 70 but i have read that it can also affect people under 40 although this isn't that common.


Should i be worried or am i worrying for nothing?

Theres quite a lot of things that can effect the nervous system, I would not worry about it unless its proven to be that. Worry its self can make you feel ill.

Go to see your GP, don;t go with a specific illness in your mind, get some tests done and go on the results.

Obviously you have sometghing wrong with you but don't automatically think of the worse, you could be being poisioned by something toxic, mayb a small leak of carbon monoxide or something stupid ?

Symptoms of mild acute poisoning include headaches, vertigo, and flu-like effects; larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous system and heart, and even death


Get some tests done, don't think this has to be irreversible.

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Poor you. I'm sure it really is nothing, I know a lot about MND through working for a neurosciences charity in the past.


I too suffer from anxiety a lot and can have problems swallowing and pins and needles as well as millions of other things. The thing is I've had it for so long, been through millions of tests and there is never anything wrong. I am 29 too and have learned that it's all in my head, which can be hard sometimes. The way i know is - I know this sounds silly - but if I play Mario on the Wii and forget about whatever I'm feeling, i know it's in my head. And 9 times out of 10 it does. Distraction is a good way to try and forget about things.


I read about something in the news a bit ago about a condition called pathalogical health anxiety, which is where people think something is seriously wrong with them. This may be what you have, it's a vicious circle, the more you worry about it, the worse you feel until it's all you can think about.


I'd suggest going to the doctors, there is a lot of help out there with talking therapies to help anxiety and if they feel you should go for tests they will refer you. And i agree with others on here, try not to self diagnose on google. Why not type in symptoms of anxiety - I'm sure a lot, if not all of your symptoms will be listed.


Really hope you feel better soon x

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And ALL of those symptoms can be caused by anxiety, with no physical problem at all.


You need to break the cycle on this because whilst you remain convinced then you'll just be more and more anxious about it.


Last week i had what i think was some kind of neurological test, not to do with my mouth but in general.


I had to do things like walk as if i was walking a tightrope putting one foot infront of the other, Closing my eyes and putting my arms out infront of me, touching my nose with my finger, having my arms, kness and feet hit with a rubber hammer and i had to push down with my feet and i had to pull the doctors hand towards me, I presume that is a neurological exam?


But it's my fascial muscles and mouth/throat muscles that are concerning me.


Would a GP have any idea if it was anything serious? Or would i have to wait and see a Neurologist to find out.

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judging by your other thread, Cookmonster, ( http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=650671) I think you are working yourself up into the granddaddy of all tizzys over absolutely "nowt".


I suspect that your anxieties are manifesting themselves in physical symptoms which are making you panic even more.


(for example the facial numbness symptom is common in someone who is in such a panic, they are Hyperventilating)

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judging by your other thread, Cookmonster, ( http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=650671) I think you are working yourself up into the granddaddy of all tizzys over absolutely "nowt".


I suspect that your anxieties are manifesting themselves in physical symptoms which are making you panic even more.


(for example the facial numbness symptom is common in someone who is in such a panic, they are Hyperventilating)


I'm working myself up over absolutely "nowt"?!


I honestly am extremely worried and concerned, After all it's not impossible, Look at Stephen Hawking he developed MND at the age of 21 and most people pass away within 6 months-5 years depending on what form of MND you have.


I'm not in a panic, I am worried but definitely not panicking, My tongue feels numb, I have tingling round the lips sometimes and my cheekbones/face feel very achy and when eating it feels like a chore to chew food, I'm not having bad problems swallowing, I don't choke on solid food i just feel like i am having trouble swallowing sometimes and when i try to swallow when i am not eating it feels like there is something stuck there like a lump.


I am not having any problems talking, My speech seems fine.

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I'm working myself up over absolutely "nowt"?!


I honestly am extremely worried and concerned, After all it's not impossible, Look at Stephen Hawking he developed MND at the age of 21 and most people pass away within 6 months-5 years depending on what form of MND you have.


I'm not in a panic, I am worried but definitely not panicking, My tongue feels numb, I have tingling round the lips sometimes and my cheekbones/face feel very achy and when eating it feels like a chore to chew food, I'm not having bad problems swallowing, I don't choke on solid food i just feel like i am having trouble swallowing sometimes and when i try to swallow when i am not eating it feels like there is something stuck there like a lump.


I am not having any problems talking, My speech seems fine.


Speech is USUALLY the first thing with PBP. We have one of the World's experts in MND in sheffield in Pamela Shaw - getting to see her is a little difficult, but SEE YOUR DOCTOR they will advise you much better than us numpties on the internet. If you have it they will diagnose it and treat it accordingly. Although there is no cure, they can help you cope with it better

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Speech is USUALLY the first thing with PBP. We have one of the World's experts in MND in sheffield in Pamela Shaw - getting to see her is a little difficult, but SEE YOUR DOCTOR they will advise you much better than us numpties on the internet. If you have it they will diagnose it and treat it accordingly. Although there is no cure, they can help you cope with it better


I'm hoping more than anything that at only 29 i don't have something like that, The PBP form of MND is the worst and gives you a lifespan of between 6 months and 3 years according to what i have read.

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I'm hoping more than anything that at only 29 i don't have something like that, The PBP form of MND is the worst and gives you a lifespan of between 6 months and 3 years according to what i have read.


Your speech would be affected! I am fairly confident of that.

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I'm hoping more than anything that at only 29 i don't have something like that, The PBP form of MND is the worst and gives you a lifespan of between 6 months and 3 years according to what i have read.


Do your stress levels a huge favour and do not read any more on the internet, you will frighten yourself to death. The worst thing that you can do is self-diagnose, continue having the tests and see what happens.


Good luck.

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Do your stress levels a huge favour and do not read any more on the internet, you will frighten yourself to death. The worst thing that you can do is self-diagnose, continue having the tests and see what happens.


Good luck.


I believe i had some kind of Neurological Exam done by my GP within the last 10 days but i don't think my fascial muscles were tested.

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