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Worried about Motor Neurone Disease for some reason

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I'm working myself up over absolutely "nowt"?!


I honestly am extremely worried and concerned, After all it's not impossible, Look at Stephen Hawking he developed MND at the age of 21 and most people pass away within 6 months-5 years depending on what form of MND you have.


I'm not in a panic, I am worried but definitely not panicking, My tongue feels numb, I have tingling round the lips sometimes and my cheekbones/face feel very achy and when eating it feels like a chore to chew food, I'm not having bad problems swallowing, I don't choke on solid food i just feel like i am having trouble swallowing sometimes and when i try to swallow when i am not eating it feels like there is something stuck there like a lump.


I am not having any problems talking, My speech seems fine.

My bold


I'm inclined to agree with PT that that is exactly what you are doing. Sorry, but anybody who seems to be convinced they've got both MND and cancer is definitely panicking in my book.


You're not going to hear anything on SF that is going to convince you that you haven't got either of these diseases, so all you're doing is feeding your own fears by continuing to ask questions.


As somebody else has already said, stop reading up on symptoms/illnesses on the internet and get yourself back to your GP. Tell him/her exactly what you are worried about and ask them to explain any tests they've given you.


I've been to my doctor with skin cancer on a couple of occasions, early rheumatoid arthritis, an under-active thyroid, diabetes, and lord knows what else. But I always tell her exactly what I think I've got, so that she can either explain why I haven't got it or have the appropriate tests done to prove it!


I get all these "illnesses" when my depression is bothersome - I start to worry and fret, check the internet, match the symptoms, develop new symptoms I didn't have before - it's all just in my head, but I need the reassurance of my doctor to tell me so.

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I really don't know what the signs are, but as s/he has not referred you for further investigative tests, it would appear that they were satisfied with the basic examination that they performed. As you're clearly not remotely reassured by it, perhaps you should go back and ask for a referral.


You're not allergic to anything are you? Some of the symptoms you describe sound like mild anaphylaxis, although I am no health professional.


Obviously i know they would have referred me to a Neurologist if they suspected something bad, I am going to go back to my GP anyway to get checked out again.

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My bold


I'm inclined to agree with PT that that is exactly what you are doing. Sorry, but anybody who seems to be convinced they've got both MND and cancer is definitely panicking in my book.


You're not going to hear anything on SF that is going to convince you that you haven't got either of these diseases, so all you're doing is feeding your own fears by continuing to ask questions.


As somebody else has already said, stop reading up on symptoms/illnesses on the internet and get yourself back to your GP. Tell him/her exactly what you are worried about and ask them to explain any tests they've given you.


I've been to my doctor with skin cancer on a couple of occasions, early rheumatoid arthritis, an under-active thyroid, diabetes, and lord knows what else. But I always tell her exactly what I think I've got, so that she can either explain why I haven't got it or have the appropriate tests done to prove it!


I get all these "illnesses" when my depression is bothersome - I start to worry and fret, check the internet, match the symptoms, develop new symptoms I didn't have before - it's all just in my head, but I need the reassurance of my doctor to tell me so.


Thanks for your reply, I am not that worried about Cancer, The PBP (Progessive Bulbar Palsy) Form of MND/ALS is concerning me and terrifying me too.


I seem to struggle chewing/eating like my mouth muscles feel weak, I also get very achy cheekbones when eating and feel like there is something stuck in my throat and i feel like i am having difficulty swallowing.

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Thanks for your reply, I am not that worried about Cancer, The PBP (Progessive Bulbar Palsy) Form of MND/ALS is concerning me and terrifying me too.


I seem to struggle chewing/eating like my mouth muscles feel weak, I also get very achy cheekbones when eating and feel like there is something stuck in my throat and i feel like i am having difficulty swallowing.


google "globus hystericus".

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google "globus hystericus".


I will have a look, These are my symptoms:-


Face/Mouth feels weak.

Feel like i have difficulty Eating/Chewing.

Pressure/Ache in my Cheekbones which is worse when eating, Eating feels tiring.

Jaws feel weak.

Tongue feels Weak/Odd.

Neck Pain/Stiffness (Had this over 5 weeks now.)

Pains on and off in the Knees, Elbows & Back.

Tingling in my Tongue, Face, Arms, Legs etc.

Twitches in the Face, Arms, Legs and other places.

Pins and Needles quite often in my Hands & Feet.

Difficulty Swallowing & Feel like something is stuck in my throat as well as excessive phelgm/saliva.

Shortness Of Breath occasionally.


If you Google PBP (Progressive Bulbar Palsy) Or MND/ALS you will see why i am worried like hell and terrified about having this form or MND.

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If you experience Globus Hystericus regularly, even when no 'real' threat is present, it possibly means that you suffer from inappropriate anxiety levels also called anxiety disorder...


...Globus Hystericus is a tightening of the muscles around the throat area, that's all. It isn't that your throat is actually closing, that you will be prevented from breathing or eating... it is simply a symptom of anxiety. It's harmless and treatable through anxiety elimination.

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I suggest that the only way you will know for sure is to go back to your GP and demand a referral as it sounds as if you're in a living hell. You could be wasting all this time and energy worrying and stressing over nothing or your worst fears could be confirmed and you can at least start looking at ways to alleviate the symptoms. Often the fear is far worse than the reality, so I'm told by people who've ended up with a diagnosis.

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I suggest that the only way you will know for sure is to go back to your GP and demand a referral as it sounds as if you're in a living hell. You could be wasting all this time and energy worrying and stressing over nothing or your worst fears could be confirmed and you can at least start looking at ways to alleviate the symptoms. Often the fear is far worse than the reality, so I'm told by people who've ended up with a diagnosis.


I do hope more than anything else that it isn't the PBP form of MND or any other form of MND for that matter, Despite being only 29 that doesn't mean i cannot get it even though from what i have read most people who develop it are over 40 and usually between 50 and 70.


Apparently, 2 people out of every 100,000 every year get diagnosed with MND, The PBP form of MND accounts for 20-25% of all cases, I wonder what my chances of getting MND actually are? I know people in their 20's can develop it but that's pretty rare.


I'd only want my GP to refer me if they thought i actually had a problem or suspected i had a Neurological Disease.


I would rather have Multiple Sclerosis than MND and that's saying something.

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