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Baroness Warsi criticises anti-Islamic Uk press.

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The minister without portfolio, the first Muslim woman to serve in the British cabinet, told the New Statesman:


"If you go back historically – [and] I was looking at some [London] Evening Standard headlines, where there were things written about the British Jewish community less than 100 years ago – they have kind of replaced one with the other."



Warsi referred to the conservative columnist Peter Oborne, who has said that anti-Islamic sentiment is the last socially acceptable form of bigotry in the UK, saying:



"That's absolutely true …. If you have a pop at the British Muslim community in the media, then first of all it will sell a few papers; second, it doesn't really matter; and third, it's fair game."






The new Jews.

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The “Dispatches” programme commissioned a survey of newspaper reportage by the Cardiff School of Journalism. It involved nearly 1,000 articles written since the year 2000, noting the content and context of articles pertaining to Muslims and Islam.




The findings showed that 69 percent of the articles presented Muslims as a source of problems not just in terms of terrorism but also on cultural issues, and that 26 percent of the articles portrayed Islam as dangerous, backward or irrational.


Professor Justin Lewis said the survey of the articles showed a


“series of ideas repeated over time... that links Muslims with terrorism... with extremism... with incompatibility with British values. Those ideas are repeated over and over again and inevitably they are going to play a part in shaping public consciousness.”

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It's classic double-think.


Lots of scare stories demonizing Muslims, then the government (the one that kept harping on about the Muslim "terrorist" threat and invading other countries) tells you off for demonizing Muslims!


More Muslims have been killed by those two illegal wars than have ever been killed by terrorists in the whole of history. And yet they're the "threat" to us?


Divide and conquer. As long as the populace is busy being divided by arbitrary differences, they'll have less time to question the actions of those in Westminster.


Oh, and don't forget, there's a new story about Jordan today. And another footballer with his pants down. Bread and Circuses.

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The findings showed that 69 percent of the articles presented Muslims as a source of problems not just in terms of terrorism but also on cultural issues, and that 26 percent of the articles portrayed Islam as dangerous, backward or irrational.

People get confused though with the nutty Muslims abroad that are a problem and the ones that live here that are just trying to get on with it. I am tempted to say if they didn't make themselves a problem for us then of cause...

I dare say the media in Muslim countries would have us in the West down as a bit of a problem to them, so its swings and roundabouts.


As for the 26% believing that, well considering everything I know of Islam Im surprised its that low.

Maybe your right though, maybe Im just a victim of the media, but the flag burning, the stoning's and the treating of women as second class does not help the matter does it ?

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And judging from some of my mother's experiences, and this article in yesterday's Guardian, Islam is the last socially acceptable form of racism in the UK.




Just the same as alot of white people who don't want their children having a relationship with someone who is white. :rolleyes:

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