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Baroness Warsi criticises anti-Islamic Uk press.

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Do you feel loyal to your country although you disagree with decisions made by recent politicians ?


This country's the best in the world although it infuriates me sometimes.


I would be equally disappointed if someone thought our politicians represent what Britain means as if they thought that tangerine titstand Jordan represents what's British.

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that could be part of the misunderstanding. what was said in the Arabic of 600 years ago might be different in English. the same for Hebrew and Aramaic for the bible.

I think you are probably right.

Some time ago a knowledgable religious person explained how the meaning of certain verses in the Bible was completely different to what we understand now to what they will have meant in ancient times.

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This country's the best in the world although it infuriates me sometimes.


I would be equally disappointed if someone thought our politicians represent what Britain means as if they thought that tangerine titstand Jordan represents what's British.


Nicely put !

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Include loyalty to this country and then most of the problems should be overcome.

I do appreciate many muslims do live their lives as above and are loyal to the crown.


Muslims who have been here a while are loyal to this country, I am a 4th generation british muslim and have been here all my life and the way i see it is if i get into trouble or difficulty in another country it wont be the president of pakistan coming to my aid it will be the the british authorities coming to my aid so therefore my loyalty is to this country.

There is a problem with some muslims not being loyal to this country but this is not how all muslims are.

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This country's the best in the world although it infuriates me sometimes.


I would be equally disappointed if someone thought our politicians represent what Britain means as if they thought that tangerine titstand Jordan represents what's British.


couldn't say it better. i still feel a lot of affinity for the motherland but my loyalty because of time kids etc has shifted. god forbid if Britain ever went to war with Zimbabwe but on the whole, this is the best country in the world, with all its faults, and jedward.

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Muslims who have been here a while are loyal to this country, I am a 4th generation british muslim and have been here all my life and the way i see it is if i get into trouble or dificulty in another country it wont be the president of pakistan coming to my aid it will be the the british authoroties coming to my aid so therefore my loyalty is to this country.

There is a problem with some muslims not being loyal to this country but this is not how all muslims are.


If everyone had your outlook I do not think we would have many problems.

I have worked with muslims who I have had the greatest respect for.

It must never be forgotten that there are muslims serving this country in the armed forces, the police and other responsible roles in society and have integrated well. I think problems were caused when multi culturism was said to be the way forward. It created seperate sections within the country with different lifestyles and cultures. Integaration is, in my opinion, the only way forward.

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anti-Islamic Uk press eh? is it any surprise to anyone at all? do you know who owns the news papers? Quick answer: big money types that are or have links to jewish people.


And we all know that jews and Muslims hate each other with a passion.


Tis the reason they always favour Israel when they commit terrorism against palatine.


You can flame me, but in your hearts; you know I speak the truth.

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