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Baroness Warsi criticises anti-Islamic Uk press.

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My bold= Well who did execute Saddam and for what was he executed?
So why edit my post sir to read different to what I wrote? Surely that is underhanded trickery, could you not just make your point without that?

The occupiers arranged the execution and filmed the morbid scene for their and world entertainment, prosecuted for lesser crimes than Bush or Blair.

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they are angry because they started this and lost.


I think you are lost if you believe that.


USA arming and supporting Israel for decades prior to 9/11


USA arming and training Osama Binladen to fight the Russians


USA arming and supporting Saddam Hussain to fight the Iranians


Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with 9/11 and reasons for American lead state terrorism on Iraq proved to be blatent lies.


Taliban offered to hand over Osama Binladen to prevent American lead state terrorist attack on Afghanistan but Bush administration ignored the offer and went ahead anyway.


9/11 being used as a pretext on which to attack Muslim countries and kill millions of innocent civilians.


Evidence that 9/11 was staged to further Israeli American interests is dismissed as conspiracy theory when the official version is more like a conspiracy theory.

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During the cold war it was communism that was the enemy/world plague, now that the so called communsim has all but gone we have another enemy/plague to face.


no there is no enemy so one has been invented to justify the actions of western governments.

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What America and poodle Blair did in Iraq was reprehensible. Our Western allies cause the death and suffering of innocent people on a daily basis while one religious faction seeks to exterminate another. I don't know what would have happened if Saddam had been left in control but I doubt it would be as bad as this. Of course I can understand why some people detest the 'West'. I don't like large parts of it myself but I like islam even less.


I hear the news on the radio most days where the number of people killed in the latest bombing is mentioned and then the next item comes along and it is all forgotten, but I don't forget. We seem to have become desensitised to the horror that is happening in the world but as much as it is caused by Americas' warped world view, it is also caused by backward beliefs and dogma.


Thats the myth the neo coloniols pedal but actually take a look at Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan all three were stable before the American lead bombing and invasions. The excuse then used is oh but the Taliban were in charge in Afghanistan and they were oppressive. Every puppet government America backs in the Muslim world is oppressive so America couldn't care less about human rights unless of course they want to use human rights violations as an excuse to invade and commit even more human rights violations.

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Thats the myth the neo coloniols pedal but actually take a look at Iraq Afghanistan and Pakistan all three were stable before the American lead bombing and invasions. The excuse then used is oh but the Taliban were in charge in Afghanistan and they were oppressive. Every puppet government America backs in the Muslim world is oppressive so America couldn't care less about human rights unless of course they want to use human rights violations as an excuse to invade and commit even more human rights violations.


I've never heard such a load of rubbish.

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The muslims didn't change to suddenly start attacking the West, but the West's policy aims changed after the collap of Russian influence in the world. What had been an uneasy balance of power and for deccades kept peace was now all in favour of the Americans to do as they pleased. the old addage of power currupts and absolute power currupts absolutely came into play.


Muslims then suddenly became part of this one army marching on the West and portrail that they will not stop till they have taken over the world. That was music to the ears of some people of hate who would sit on forum like this repeating the same tired old mantra of Islam backward and Muslims misguided and the enemy withhin, when the shocking ease with which the Governments in the West were able to manipulate the masses into believing a lie or rather lie after lie proves us here to be rather more gullible than the isolated in a remote mountanous country Taliban. How can murder be a justification for murder of innocent people be justified as revenge when the Americans do it but regarded as criminal if You or I were to do it?

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I've never heard such a load of rubbish.


mecky, Afghanistan was a stable, progressive society unde Najibullah, the old communist leader.


In a CIA-backed coup he was overthrown, hung, and his severed genitalia were stuffed in his mouth. America backed the Taliban, remember Rambo 3 when Stallone fought with the tribal leaders?


America supplied, armed and funded The Taliban and we're reaping the whirlwind to this day.

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I think you are lost if you believe that.


USA arming and supporting Israel for decades prior to 9/11


USA arming and training Osama Binladen to fight the Russians


USA arming and supporting Saddam Hussain to fight the Iranians


Saddam Hussain had nothing to do with 9/11 and reasons for American lead state terrorism on Iraq proved to be blatent lies.


Taliban offered to hand over Osama Binladen to prevent American lead state terrorist attack on Afghanistan but Bush administration ignored the offer and went ahead anyway.


9/11 being used as a pretext on which to attack Muslim countries and kill millions of innocent civilians.


Evidence that 9/11 was staged to further Israeli American interests is dismissed as conspiracy theory when the official version is more like a conspiracy theory.


half truths and total lies, try harder.

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