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Baroness Warsi criticises anti-Islamic Uk press.

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A rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London is being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published yesterday, says.


Attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society, the study says.


The report is dedicated to Yasir Abdelmouttalib, a PhD student who was left brain-damaged after a gang of youths attacked him in London, striking him over the head with a stick, as he made his way to a mosque while wearing Islamic clothing.


It cites other cases of rightwing extremists preparing hate campaigns and of serious attacks on Muslims in Britain.


These included:


"Neil Lewington, a violent extremist nationalist convicted in July 2009 of a bomb plot;


Terence Gavan, a violent extremist nationalist convicted in January 2010 of manufacturing nail bombs and other explosives, firearms and weapons;



a gang attack in November 2009 on Muslim students at City University;


the murder in September 2009 of Muslim pensioner, Ikram Syed ul-Haq;


a serious assault in August 2007 on the Imam at London Central Mosque;



and an arson attack in June 2009 on Greenwich Islamic Centre."




Are you wanting some examples where the boot is on the other foot ?

Im sure we could easily drag up a few rape cases or something to show that its not just Muslims that can be victims.

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Is there a similar campaign of abuse and demonisation in the media against another minority?
Muslims are hardly a minority in the world, but you would like us to think that because it fits in with the victim mentality.


Here they maybe in a minority but the media talks of the bigger picture and the news they print is of global issues so your trying to tie two granny knots with a loop and hope no one notices.

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A rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London is being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published yesterday, says.


Attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society, the study says.


The document – from the University of Exeter's European Muslim research centre – was written by Dr Jonathan Githens-Mazer and former special branch detective Dr Robert Lambert.


"The report provides prima facie and empirical evidence to demonstrate that assailants of Muslims are invariably motivated by a negative view of Muslims they have acquired from either mainstream or extremist nationalist reports or commentaries in the media," it says.





Demonise people, call them "sub-human", use animal terms for them, and the less intelligent, thuggish elements of society feel vindicated and empowered.


The Express, Mail and Sun constantly spew out a tidal wave of filth, and the skinhead thug spits at an elderly asian lady.


It's incredibly naive to think the two events are unrelated.

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Muslims are hardly a minority in the world, but you would like us to think that because it fits in with the victim mentality.


Here they maybe in a minority but the media talks of the bigger picture and the news they print is of global issues so your trying to tie two granny knots with a loop and hope no one notices.


Yes people forget that Asians and black people are certainly not a minority group globaly, people should take a broader view of the demographics of the world and then realise its no bad thing for white western Europeans to actively preserve their culture.

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Yes people forget that Asians and black people are certainly not a minority group globaly, people should take a broader view of the demographics of the world and then realise its no bad thing for white western Europeans to actively preserve their culture.


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Warsi is right but at the same time too many mainstream Muslims act according to stereotype holding extremist 911 conspiracy theories. Then there are the nutters, mainly young men who go on demos with fake bombs strapped to themselves screaming "how dare you caricature us as fanatics".

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