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Manchester airport security scanners, now compulsory, men see women naked !

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I don`t agree with you. I think it`s not only invasive it`s deeply undignified.

Generally speaking women, particularly more mature women, think so even more stongly.


On the statistics thing, as I said above, without these scanners, when was the last plane blown up ?

How many planes have flown, without being blown uop, in the same period ?

What is the statistical probability of being blown up on any airline flight ?

You`re probably in more danger of falling out of your window at home whilst cleaning it.......

Why is it invasive if it's just as image? I personally find the being patted down approach more invasive.


The statistical probability is very small, I don't know what it is exactly but I imagine the chances of winning the lottery are not significantly greater either. I know one person who was blown up on a plane, yet don't know anyone who has ever won the lottery. As for falling out of a window, yes there are plenty of activities which involve a higher risk of being killed, however, they involve the person undertaking them making an informed risk assessment and are within their control. When you board an aircraft, your safety is in the hands of other people.

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Why is it invasive if it's just as image? I personally find the being patted down approach more invasive.


The statistical probability is very small, I don't know what it is exactly but I imagine the chances of winning the lottery are not significantly greater either. I know one person who was blown up on a plane, yet don't know anyone who has ever won the lottery. As for falling out of a window, yes there are plenty of activities which involve a higher risk of being killed, however, they involve the person undertaking them making an informed risk assessment and are within their control. When you board an aircraft, your safety is in the hands of other people.


When you drive on the roads your safety is largely in the hands of other people, but few people seem to worry about that. In fact loads of people moan on about speed cameras, which are far more likely to save your life than a bleedin` horrible airport scanner.

That`s the thing you see, inconsistency.

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When you drive on the roads your safety is largely in the hands of other people, but few people seem to worry about that. In fact loads of people moan on about speed cameras, which are far more likely to save your life than a bleedin` horrible airport scanner.

That`s the thing you see, inconsistency.


Well, I for one do worry about other drivers, especially on motorways. Nor do I moan about speed cameras but I do hate speed bumps, the ones that you have to straddle rather than those which take up the entire width of the road.


The chances of surviving an explosion aboard an aircraft are virtually nil, whereas the chances of surviving a car crash are significantly greater.

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Sadly, my mum's done the rounds and is remarkably chilled and pragmatic. She would find this kind of 'reaction' somewhat pitiable as she finds people who complain endlessly rather pointless.


In my experience people don`t complain enough. I actually wish my customers would complain/comment more, and so do most businesses.

Interestingly, Albert Speer thought the lack of complaining in Nazi Germany was a big flaw in their system.

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Well, I for one do worry about other drivers, especially on motorways. Nor do I moan about speed cameras but I do hate speed bumps, the ones that you have to straddle rather than those which take up the entire width of the road.


The chances of surviving an explosion aboard an aircraft are virtually nil, whereas the chances of surviving a car crash are significantly greater.


I think you`re very wise to worry about your safety on the roads, though statistically speaking the motorways are actually the safest roads.

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How do I catch a plane then ?


You dont !


Clearly you are upset about these full body scanners. So as i say if they bother you so much the simple thing for you is not to travel by air.


And if you want to travel by air accept that you may have to stand in a full body scanner.

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apparently the person viewing these scans is away from the area in a remote room so has no idea who is stood in the scanner at the time, apart from obviously male or female, the face of the person is also blurred out so the scanner operator cant recognise them at any time, as others have said its for our safety, the images are deleted as soon as you have left the scanner if your safe so the way i see it is, id rather be safe knowing some random bloke or woman has seen me man bits on a scanner than be sat on a plane wondering why someone is taking so long in the toilet or why they keep standing near the emergency exit

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As is frequently the case on Forums I`m amazed at some of the answers on here. I suspect many of them are Forum answers*. Assuming some of these people actually mean what they say I`m really rather sad at the cowed "we do as we`re told" attitudes of these persons. I wonder how many of them are men, I mean that in the literal sense, as opposed to real men who actually stand up for themselves........

At the end of the day if some people are happy to go into these scanners then that`s up to them, but I don`t see how anyone can argue with the fact people should be given a choice, like they were when these things first came out. If you don`t want to have your body seen by persons unknown, you should be allowed to choose a body pat down.

As for people saying if you don`t like them don`t travel by air, they`re definitely Forum answers, plus to wind people up, obviously, and as such are not worthy of an answer.


* Things people who you talk to in everyday life never, or very rarely, say.

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