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Manchester airport security scanners, now compulsory, men see women naked !

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An Xray is a form of electromagnetic wave (as are light, radio, microwaves and gamma radiation). It entirely depends on what form that wave takes as to whether it's harmfull. Everyone on the planet is being constantly bombarded by electromagnetic waves, mostly causing no ill effect.

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I think it is beyond ridiculous, something should be done about this silly invasion of privacy, it's only a matter of time before naked pictures of celebrities from these machines start being sold


..and how will we know they're actually naked images of celebrities?

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That's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly interesting, because, everyone I've asked has said this is a load of cobblers.


Not one person has said, when shown the evidence, that they'd be in the least bothered about it.


So clearly, it's the hysterical way in which you're asking.


What's worse, six pages in and you're still harping on about it! It's what, 30 seconds in a scanner every time you go on holiday. It's hardly every day.


Although maybe if it was every day you'd man up a bit and stop going on about it...


Same here. We were talking about this at work the other day and no-one, including the women were in the least bit bothered.


Like Nagel mentioned, I wouldn`t be quite so upset by these awful scanners if I wasn`t forced to stand in such a humiliating position.


My wife got scanned just last week, maybe she should have thrown a strop because she had to stand in a certain position?


Incidentally, if it's a random 1 in 4 that is checked as the OP states (supposedly as told by a supervisor) I'd be surprised. I've been abroad 4 times in the last few weeks and twice we didn't see a single person go into it, even though we were queuing for quite a while.

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. I've been abroad 4 times in the last few weeks and twice we didn't see a single person go into it, even though we were queuing for quite a while.


That’s what I said earlier the only people that got scanned last week was those that set off the conventional scanner, dump everything in the try before the first scan and the odds of going in the new scan have to be very small.

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They work by beaming electromagnetic waves on to passengers while they stand in a booth.

(http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8439285.stm )


Yes, X-rays which are electromagnetic waves, but aren't going to have any effect on a pacemaker. There is an alternative system that uses high frequency radio waves (millimetre waves).


X-rays are ionising radiation which can cause a molecular change in your DNA leading to cancer. Millimetre waves have also been linked to higher rates and faster progression of cancer.



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I don't mind it, other than the fact there have already been abuses, including some images finding their way onto the internet via an operators mobile phone taking pictures of the scan.


And also didn't they find that in one airport there were airport workers crowding round the scanner to watch the images, instead of the single person that is supposed to be allowed to view them unless he sees something suspicious.


Nothing like a few second / third hand tales to stir things up. :hihi:

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There was:


Jo Margetson, and



for starters.


The internet pictures was in the US as it turns out.




The first article was about co-workers skylarking and had nothing to do with the general public and as you haven’t provided any link for the other I assume that was just as frivolous, the internet is full of “alleged” images that have been “doctored” but I haven’t seen a genuine one yet, I suppose you could always prove me wrong.

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Oh come on....leave Jo out of this please, it is not a true or accurate account of what happened have you not seen the PCC website.The original source was the Sun, not really a trust worthy source! considering she works for the Airport and will obey strict clauses in her contract not to discuss with the media, I doubt this is by any means a true account. The Guardian is one of the few news links out there, I suspect we have not heard the full truth about what happened with her or the scanner incident that day, and should not use this story. What's really important is how the scanner is used, and yes it is vital to todays security, but should be treated with a bit more respect to dignify our privacy.

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We flew from Manchester airport in September and found out that it`s now compulsory to go through the scanners which basically give an image of you with no clothes on. Apart from the fact it wasn`t compulsory when they first came out (when did it become so ? ) we were amazed to hear that it could be an "operative" of either sex looking at the images, i.e. a man viewing a woman, or vice versa. I`ve seen some of these images and they reveal enough so I`d feel embarrased if it was cold, if you know what I mean !

Every person, especially the women, we`ve spoken to about this is shocked to hear it could be someone of the opposite sex seeing these images, does anyone actually think this compulsory invasion of ones privacy is justified ?

How have they got away with this ?


who cares? at least the plane is less likely to blow up.

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