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Human rights lawyers condemn English tests for spouses coming to UK

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It all comes under the same banner, as soon as those spouses come her unable to work because thay're in a totaly alien environment they go straight on to the benefit system.




(iii) each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or civil partner and the marriage or civil partnership is subsisting; and


(iv) there will be adequate accommodation for the parties and any dependants without recourse to public funds in accommodation which they own or occupy exclusively; and


(v) the parties will be able to maintain themselves and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds; and


(vi) the applicant has sufficient knowledge of the English language and sufficient knowledge about life in the United Kingdom, unless he is under the age of 18 or aged 65 or over at the time he makes his application.




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Figures from Sheffield University, put the number of foreign students in Sheffield at 3700, I'd guess SHU has a similar number, and they pay for the privilege to study here and bring much needed revenue into our local economy.

They learnt a great deal about propoganda from Josef Goebells, if they can get people to watch 'X' Factor and 'Big Brother' they'll soon be able to con them about the benefits of the mass influx of immigrants and sham marriages.

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Fair enough.


So, now that we know the vast majority of immigrants DO have at least some english, what is your point?


Lets say your accurate with this.

Your not like, but lets pretend.

Having some grasp of English isnt good enough. Not by a long way.

Immigrants should have a perfect grasp of the language.

there should be no need (and no option) for a translator. Not matter what sob story they come here with.

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Fair enough.


So, now that we know the vast majority of immigrants DO have at least some english, what is your point?


Some English? can you also tell us how long a piece of string is.


Can you define "Some English"?


The call centre opreatives in India are hard to understand much of the time and they're supposed to have passed English exams.

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Lets say your accurate with this.

Your not like, but lets pretend.

Having some grasp of English isnt good enough. Not by a long way.

Immigrants should have a perfect grasp of the language.

there should be no need (and no option) for a translator. Not matter what sob story they come here with.


And how do you expect them to achieve this without living in country? As someone who did languages at A and degree level, the best and easiest way to learn and enhance one's linguistic knowledge and to learn as well as understand the actual colloquialisms, as well as the variety of accents, is to live in a country where the language is the dominant one.

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And how do you expect them to achieve this without living in country?


Thats the whole point.

I dont WANT them to live in this country unless they have an excellent bordering on perfect 'grasp' of English.

Im sick to death of having to try and make out what some immigrant is saying to me as i deal with lots of them in my job. I hate the fact they come here, make NO effort and get away with a life of riley.

Not only that, our government lets them (infact makes it easier for them to ) get away with it it by supplying bloody transaltors and funding pointless organisations and 'help groups' for the ungreatful parasites.

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Clearly nonsense. You expect immigrants to have a perfect grasp of English before they come over here. What is the best way to learn a language - it is to live in a country where that language is the main one. Even the rules specifying that you must speak English refer to a "functional" understanding of the language, not a "perfect grasp".


That is ignoring the fact that for some reason you want immigrants to be better at English than many of the people who already live here. In fact "many" is too low - as you want them to be perfect we must be at least be talking about degree level English.


Funnily enough, even the BNP acknowledge that it is a minority of immigrants that don't speak English.


Oh my owrd.

Thats takes the bake does that.

YOU actually use the BNP to help your argument?

My word your behaving in a very two faced way.

Ill do you a favour and save you the embarrasment (but also take a screen grab for the next time you decry the bnp for whatever reason) by ignoring your comment.

But lets just say this. Even the BNP arent brave enough to say in public that they believe MOST immigrants dont give a stuff about learning the lingo.

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Thats the whole point.

I dont WANT them to live in this country unless they have an excellent bordering on perfect 'grasp' of English.

Im sick to death of having to try and make out what some immigrant is saying to me as i deal with lots of them in my job. I hate the fact they come here, make NO effort and get away with a life of riley.

Not only that, our government lets them (infact makes it easier for them to ) get away with it it by supplying bloody transaltors and funding pointless organisations and 'help groups' for the ungreatful parasites.


Reread my post, it is almost impossible to acquire an excellent grasp of a foreign language without living in country.:roll:


Your written language leaves a lot to be desired so how do you expect immigrants to have an excellent grasp? I assume that you were born and educated here?

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Clearly nonsense. You expect immigrants to have a perfect grasp of English before they come over here.


Yes, and why is it nonsense.?

Did you ever wish for a shiney bike for chrimbo as a kid?

We can all have our dreams mate.

Mine would be an end to immigration untill we have proper rules and boundries to weed out the massive majority of abusers to take the **** cos they know they can.

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