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Human rights lawyers condemn English tests for spouses coming to UK

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Your written language leaves a lot to be desired so how do you expect immigrants to have an excellent grasp? I assume that you were born and educated here?


My written language is not at issue. I type in a rush and make mistakes but seeing as this is just a forum and not life or death then i dont let spelling and punctuation bother me, as long as the message gets across. Now, if youd like to forward a few letters ive written recently (without the use of a spellchecker :roll: ) then ill gladly do that.



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Just watching a debate on the Beeb about this, personally I can see both sides, but it would be preferable if people seeking to make the UK their home had at least a basic knowledge of English.


Discuss (nicely) ;)





Workinig in immigration as I do, I'm either damned if I do or damned if I don't. People say they don't want foreigners, some say they do. Some they they don't want foreigners but change their mind if somebody they know are to be removed .... most notably, the MPs are guilty of this.

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And again, please re-read your post.


If you are going to claim that they need perfect English, don't you think you should be setting the example.


Already answered that. Feel free to read it. :)

And im claiming nothing. Im givng an opinion on how id LIKE things to be.

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What it means is that must be another reason why you don't want them foreigners coming over here,


It may mean this to you but that says far more about where you mind is than mine.


So, any chance we can debate the op or is 'attack the poster' too fun a game to stop playing?

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There seems to be rather a lot of name calling and point scoring on this thread, which is meant to be about English tests for spouses coming to the UK.


It's possible to discuss things without insulting other forum users. Please take a step back in order to do this.

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International students pay a huge amount to study in the UK and are one of the biggest sources of income, without whom, many universities would be unable to offer the range of courses that they do. Also, they have to demonstrate a high level of English language competency and are more literate than a number of posters on here.


Very true Suffy, but unfortunately if they fail to wear a collar and tie and doff their caps to the indigenous, they must be illegal immigrants/asylum seeking benefit cheats. ;)

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At the end of the day the UK is known worldwide as a soft touch for immigrants.
At the end of the day, it's known that the world's flat-but only amongst the cerebrally challenged.


In the 60s I was stationed in Cyprus the landlady of our army hiring often said to us "When I retire I go to England, you get money for doing nothing when you arrive".


The landlady was amongst them, and probably encountered disappointment if she ever made it to these shores.

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