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Human rights lawyers condemn English tests for spouses coming to UK

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Just watching a debate on the Beeb about this, personally I can see both sides, but it would be preferable if people seeking to make the UK their home had at least a basic knowledge of English.


Discuss (nicely) ;)



If people are coming to settle in England they should be able to speak the language unless of course they just want to not mix with other people

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If people are coming to settle in England they should be able to speak the language unless of course they just want to not mix with other people


I agree, but how can they expected to have a certain level of English prior to entry? What if they're from some rural area and are not educated? And even if they have a level of education and have learned English, will it be the everyday language needed to shop, ask for directions or see a GP?


Immigrants who do not have English as a first language should be encouraged to take classes/lessons (ESL is a huge growth industry and as most immigrants settle in densely populated urban areas, there should be plenty of provision). I do not think it in the interests of community cohesion to foster ghettos inhabited by non-English speaking people. I would never dream of living abroad and not learning the language although I know of plenty of people who do this. I personally would not want to live on the fringes of the society of my adopted country, it's very alienating.

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I think the reason that the UK is top of many immigrants list of countries to emigrate to is simply because of the language. You spaek a little English therefore you head for the UK.


As stated above the immigrants of the Francophone countries of North Africa head fro France, just because they can already speak the language.

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About time. And while we're at it let's make sure that if British people want to go and live in Spain or France etc then they learn the language of that country before they're allowed in.


Both France and Spain are not subject to these rules because they are also in the EU :roll:


EU countries can't deny citizens of other EU countries the right of entry because they don't speak the language of the host country, but they can and some do require non-EU citizens to pass a competence test in the host country's language. By requiring spouses to speak the language before they come to the UK, the UK is going a stage further. - But then again, other EU countries keep track of immigrants (and their own citizens) The UK does not and many simply disappear.


In France you won’t see a sign outside a hospital written in every language under the sun. You won’t get the option to have official documents in your own native tongue either. The French position is clear, learn to speak your chosen county's language or you can leave.


Is it any wonder there are so many people in northern France waiting to hitch a lift to the UK.


Indeed. I'm not sure that they put it that way, however. The Dutch and the Germans argue that "If you are going to benefit from living in our society, you will need to be able to communicate with us, so you must learn the language." The basic EU right of 'Free movement of people' has limitations. Yes, you can move from one EU country to another, but when you get there you are expected to support yourself. If you can't speak the language, you can't get a job and you can't join the local society - You are deliberately keeping yourself out and you are making yourself unemployable. The right to 'free movement' is not a ticket entitling the bearer to 'lifetime free support' - abuse it and you could lose it.


If you want a leaflet/publication/document in your own language, then the issuers will usually be quite happy to give you the name and address of a translator you can hire to translate it for you.


Precisely. Emigrants from countries that speak English know nothing about France and have no desire to go there, for obvious reasons. Even if the particular emigrants in question never learnt English as their second language, they still know about us as a country.


Just think; if we'd let Germany build up a colonial empire instead of making such an enemy of her that we ended up fighting the most stupid war in all history, this would be half her problem and not just ours. :)


Immigrants to Germany (and their spouses) from non-EU countries are required to pass a test to prove their competence in German - or leave.

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I live in lincolnshire and had reason to have eye tested at my local hospital, when i had the initial test the nurse asked me what the doctor had said, i told her that i could not understand him she said i will find out for you, when she returned i asked her what he had told her she replied i don't know i could not understand him. Later the senior consultant informed me of the outcome.

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I live in lincolnshire and had reason to have eye tested at my local hospital, when i had the initial test the nurse asked me what the doctor had said, i told her that i could not understand him she said i will find out for you, when she returned i asked her what he had told her she replied i don't know i could not understand him. Later the senior consultant informed me of the outcome.


What's your point? That doctors speak in medical terms which are incomprehensible to the layperson?

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And means by which to support themselves or in some way make a positive contribution to this society!


Go find a brick wall to bang your head against matey.

Itll do more good than coming out with outrageous comments like that.

I mean, how DARE you speak sense like that??!!

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What's your point? That doctors speak in medical terms which are incomprehensible to the layperson?


Thats wasnt the point and you know it.

the point is the poster was saying the docs grasp of English was so poor that 2 different people (one of them who is used to 'medical jargon' and one who isnt) couldnt tell what he was saying.

And you think this is a good thing?

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