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25000 tons of pumpkins for Haloween lanterns whilst 1/2 the world starves!!

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And if they had the fertiliser and were allowed to trade then it still could be.


I'd quite like to buy tobacco direct from Zimbabwe, however, I'd be breaking many many laws.


I can buy tobacco from Zimbabwe, but it will cost me a lot more than they would sell it for, and the farmer would get a lot less too.



My father was a tobacco broker in Zimbabwe before he was forced out by Mugabe. The farms would produce and store huge crops of tobacco and sell it to the world through an efficient infrastructure. That infrastructure was deliberately destroyed and most of the white farmers harvested crops burned in the barns after harvest.

Many of the farms have been broken up and land is not used as the likelyhood of harvesting a crop is remote. What tobacco crops remains are poor quality grown in small amounts that are largely not worth grading, even if there was an infrastructure to market it.

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No. I enjoy carving out a pumpkin and having a bonfire.


Your leader has all the qualifications, he has a face like a pumpkin, and is making a bonfire of all morality in parliament, so you are in the ball park there.

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My father was a tobacco broker in Zimbabwe before he was forced out by Mugabe. The farms would produce and store huge crops of tobacco and sell it to the world through an efficient infrastructure. That infrastructure was deliberately destroyed and most of the white farmers harvested crops burned in the barns after harvest.

Many of the farms have been broken up and land is not used as the likelyhood of harvesting a crop is remote. What tobacco crops remains are poor quality grown in small amounts that are largely not worth grading, even if there was an infrastructure to market it.


As long as Mugabe and his friends have full bellies they care nothing about their country, or the people of it.

It is the same with all 3rd world and muslim countries.

The leaders are fat, the rest starve.

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Great isn't it.


It certainly is, I have found out today that I am fireproof from all his cuts.

I work under PFI which is ring fenced from all his austerity.

I will be laughing, while you trail to the dole office.:thumbsup:

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