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Tories scrapping child benefit for people who earn over £44,000

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You’re making the wrong assumptions again, people with large incomes usually have large overheads to go with it.
A lot of posters seem to miss the forest behind the tree.


These large (and not-so-large) overheads are by and large what drives the national service-oriented economy currently.


Cut into the ability to meet these overheads, and of course disposable income shrinks in proportion. The "£44k crowd", now with higher income tax and less tax rebates, can't afford the "usual" £44k lifestyle anymore, and cuts back even more.


Therefore, less outings, less consumption, etc. Therefore, less VAT takings, corporate tax paid, etc.


Eventually, someone not on £44k (e.g. employed to flip burgers, serve punters or other similar service highly-dependent on disposable income) ends up jobless as a result.


Therefore, more benefits to pay, etc.


On and on the dominoes fall.


EDIT: and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if, having seen this one, this "£44k crowd" now cuts back disproportionately to pre-empt the next lot of added direct/indirect taxation, and precipitates/worsens the issue.

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I cant believe the number of people that think the well off should get benefits-its crazy!


Why not? They were supposed to be benefits for ALL people.


The problem with this country is that people who have worked hard and are doing well for themselves are looked down upon, whilst the couple of scruffy gits sat on their sofa in the front garden drinking beer at 9am Monday morning are given all the assistance they may ever require.

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Maybe they should just scrap all child benefit. Why should you get benefits for having children which is a perfectly natural human condition?


That's a great point, why are people having kids that they can't afford to begin with?

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Why not? They were supposed to be benefits for ALL people.



well we can't afford it anymore so thats that. The best option is to target what little resources we have left at the poor. I find it hilarious labour actually arguing they should NOT do this! Did I wake up in some sort of parallel universe?

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well we can't afford it anymore so thats that. The best option is to target what little resources we have left at the poor. I find it hilarious labour actually arguing they should NOT do this! Did I wake up in some sort of parallel universe?


The best option is to start only giving child benefit for the first child. Even that should stop once the child becomes a toddler.

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Why should anybody get child benefit?


It's their lifestyle choice - why should people who choose not to have families have to subsidise those who do?



I agree with you Conrod.


I don't think it should be paid at all then there can be no disparity and it would save a massive amount of money.


Same with EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance). What a joke that is.


£30.00 and bonuses for going to college. All that does is reward people for being perpetual school kids who want to evade employment.


Undoubtedly, there are genuine kids who want to better themselves through education, but there is also a huge amount who have absolutely no interest in education and just attend for the cash, the easy life and the fact it's like still being at school.


I wonder how many kids would actually attend college if it was withdrawn?


We seem to have become a nation that stands with it's hand permanently out waiting for donations for doing nothing.

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Why should anybody get child benefit?


It's their lifestyle choice - why should people who choose not to have families have to subsidise those who do?



100% agree, why should you be paid for having kids?

if you cant afford them then dont have them

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