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Tories scrapping child benefit for people who earn over £44,000

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Where did I say that then?


The point is this is a taster; dip your toe in the water time, the real agenda as yet to come.


I am no politician and I don’t have the answers but I am no fool either, with some of the replies on here you get the feeling that too many people think “ I not bothered as it will not effect me”, all I am saying is WAKE UP.


Yes the real agenda is yet to come and I'm fully awake. Why do people not understand this has to be done and the sooner the better. Most of us will be affected by some of the cuts but what other choice do we have. We either pull together and put up with it or we sink even deeper into debt.

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I agree with you Conrod.


I don't think it should be paid at all then there can be no disparity and it would save a massive amount of money.


Same with EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance). What a joke that is.


£30.00 and bonuses for going to college. All that does is reward people for being perpetual school kids who want to evade employment.


Undoubtedly, there are genuine kids who want to better themselves through education, but there is also a huge amount who have absolutely no interest in education and just attend for the cash, the easy life and the fact it's like still being at school.


I wonder how many kids would actually attend college if it was withdrawn?


We seem to have become a nation that stands with it's hand permanently out waiting for donations for doing nothing.

True!........and it's called Socialism!

Some people on this forum need to ask themselves why the Coalition are having to make such unpopular choices to the nation,risking getting voted out at the next election,why not keep borrowing like the last lot till the curtains come down! Well the curtains have come down and much more wiser and sensible medicine is needed.Labour proved not up to the mark and were not able to make unpopular but necessary decisions concerning the plight we are in.

When house prices drop to a realistic level, when outrageous wages/bonuses are reigned in, and when the welfare system that has become a millstone round this countries neck is overhauled,we will have more of a chance to rebuild.The Coalition are talking tough, and many people are spitting their dummies out,but it needs to happen and we all know it,and the sooner the better,not another ten year plan like everything was with Labour.....................this country will be a lot stronger within the life of this government for all concerned.

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Oven chip tax paying for Waitrose vouchers ?


I'm guessing that the 40% tax threshold will go up....."in line" with whatever they see fit to ensure that anyone earning over approx £40k will get the money back from this Child Benefit reduction.


This measure is designed to hoodwink people into believing the tripe of "we're all in it together" ,and on the quiet, the rich will be given the money back again.

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True!........and it's called Socialism!

Some people on this forum need to ask themselves why the Coalition are having to make such unpopular choices to the nation,risking getting voted out at the next election,why not keep borrowing like the last lot till the curtains come down! Well the curtains have come down and much more wiser and sensible medicine is needed.Labour proved not up to the mark and were not able to make unpopular but necessary decisions concerning the plight we are in.

When house prices drop to a realistic level, when outrageous wages/bonuses are reigned in, and when the welfare system that has become a millstone round this countries neck is overhauled,we will have more of a chance to rebuild.The Coalition are talking tough, and many people are spitting their dummies out,but it needs to happen and we all know it,and the sooner the better,not another ten year plan like everything was with Labour.....................this country will be a lot stronger within the life of this government for all concerned.


The only reason the Government is talking about cutting the deficit so much so soon is so that the unpopular stuff is out of the way in 3-4 years and they can arrange a popular budget just before the next election to make people believe "it was all worth it"

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I don't understand why, if it's essential we do this, they arn't doing it until 3 years from now ?
Because 3 years from now, this cut will appear so inconsequential (in view of what's yet to come) that few people -if any- will pay any attention to it :hihi:


My £0.02 is on the Gvt making these announcements (of measures targeted at what I'd expect to be mostly a Tory-voting public) now, and saving the real hard stuff which will have the biggest portion of the tax contributing public (sub-£44k p.a. ;)) reaching very far into their pockets for later...closer and closer to the next election, and by that time making the currently-targeted-Tory-voting public feeling not-so-hard-done-by after all ;)

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