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Tories scrapping child benefit for people who earn over £44,000

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This doesn't make sense to me.... Please correct me if i'm wrong (i'm sure you will)


A family with 1 wage of £44K will have their child benefit cut, but a family with 2 wages coming in of £43K (£86K in total) will still keep their benefits!!??

In what possible way are these cuts fair?? :huh:


Also, if I'm earning over £44K i'm already paying more tax into the system. Therefore I should be entitled to smething back! I also pay for private medical care, therefore I'm funding the NHS but not using it....... & I get my child benefit cut!...............:help:


It makes as much sense as a family with 1 wage earner of £44k pa or more paying 40% tax but a family with 2 wages coming in of £43k pa each still paying standard rate tax. If you're earning £44k pa or more then you shouldn't be that desperate for Government hand-outs.

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Yep, it's a doddle being a doctor, especially a GP where you have to have a very broad knowledge rather than a specialist one.


If anyone is totally overpaid it's the bankers and their obscene bonuses and professional footballers.


£100k + for 9 years expensive study and with all the responsibility that goes with the job seems totally reasonable to me.

Agree totally regarding bankers and footballers!...........but still cannot see how a doc is worth more than £50k pa.to the taxpayer.Two of my friends are docs and they cannot convince me either.
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Indeed, this is an attack on women which will further increase gender inequality.




It is also plain stupid unfair.




So much for those Tory election promises....






The "unfairness" that you write of is endemic to the whole tax system - this is just a way of cutting the benefit to those who don't need it. Ok so i lose out because I earn over the 40% tax threshold. Cuts are going to hit all of us - the very richest first (brought in by Labour) being taxed at a penal rate of 50% plus NI. Then the next richest - child benefit cut. There will be more of course there will.


there seems to be two objections to this cut

1) it should remain universal -ie the poor should subsidise the rich, which is patently stupid.

2) Some households continue to receive it (because there are two income earners just below the cut off) - but this is the most economical way of assessing it so what if some people slip through whilst still saving the country money in checking and collecting.


The tax system IS UNFAIR:

Example 1:

Mum earns £50k - (plenty of money by anyone's standards - "rich b*****R" "should be ashamed" baracking ad nauseam) pays tax and NI of approx £14k

Dad earns nothing - no tax no NI

example 2:

Mum earns £25k - (about average) pays tax and NI of approx £5800

Dad earns £25k - (about average) pays tax and NI of approx £5800. Total tax paid approx £11600.

Yes it's unfair that one family should pay £2400 more in tax than the other in with the same household income, using the same public services etc etc, life is unfair but it is the practical way of collecting taxes.

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Why not? They were supposed to be benefits for ALL people.

It was brought in just after the war - it is an anachronism. At least Dave et al have been VERY brave to do this.


The problem with this country is that people who have worked hard and are doing well for themselves are looked down upon, whilst the couple of scruffy gits sat on their sofa in the front garden drinking beer at 9am Monday morning are given all the assistance they may ever require.


Couldn't agree more, that's why they are capping benefits at £26k.

Although drinking beer at 9am on a Monday does sound tempting. :)

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What really annoys me about this is that I'm single. I earn between 16 and 17 grand a year. I don't get tax credits, I have no children so I don't get family credits and I don't get housing benefit. Yet all I've heard all day is people earning 3 times what I do complaining about how hard it is for them to budget. If you can't budget 44,000 then what the hell are you doing earning it and if you need benefits to afford kids should you really be having them? I can't afford a car, guess what, I don't have one.


I'm sick of people constantly going on about what they deserve. Fact is none of us deserve an easy ride.


Personally though I do think that child benefit should also only be paid out on the first two kids. This would encourage a like for like replacement on humans. The planet's already got enough of us.


I think you should remember that these people earning above £44000 are paying a helluva lot more tax than you and have the responsibility of bringing up the next generation so that you can have a life in your old age. I spent most of my working life contributing to things which did not benefit me directly but allowed me to live in a decent society. The last thing I would wish to see in this country is anything resembling the USA model where people only count if they have money.

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