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Tories scrapping child benefit for people who earn over £44,000

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This is a good and fair move by the Tories imo.


Let's look at the two extreme cases being touted:


1) One parent earns £44k whilst the other is a housewife/husband. They're not rich, but they're not poor. At least one of them currently earns enough to enable the other to have the choice of staying at home. Most couples will never have that choice. The one not working could always seek work, even part time work, to make up the loss of the child benefit.

2) A couple both earning a combined income of almost £88k, still getting child benefit. Whilst this may seem unfair, the extra tax revenue gained from the other parent working and earning nearly £44k more than compensates for the child benefit.



It will be cheap to administer, no need to build an extra office block to fill with beurocrats.


This is what I was trying to point out in my earlier posts.


A direct comparison of two couples, one with one earner of £45, and the other with two earners of £44k, cannot be made. It fails to recognise the choice, and benefits, from one parent staying at home.

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This is what I was trying to point out in my earlier posts.


A direct comparison of two couples, one with one earner of £45, and the other with two earners of £44k, cannot be made. It fails to recognise the choice, and benefits, from one parent staying at home.


A direct comparison can, and is, being made by many people.


Undoubtedly there are other issues to consider, such as the potential benefits to the children of one parent being at home, but the reality for many people is that they will be, financially, substantially worse off as a consequence


For some it is a lifestyle choice, for some it is an economic decision, but many couples will be re-assessing their circumstances, and making direct comparisons between the various scenarios (if they have the luxury of choice)


It could also be a boon for accountants/financial advisors/tax planners

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My heart really bleeds for some people...jeez...anyone single or couple earning 44k should not be bleating about child benefit ! Millions of people have brought families up on much less, and as for those who think we should be looking at reducing benefits for pensioners before reducing child benefit are seriously deluded, many of our pensioners never got a penny in child benefit, what a greedy, selfish society we have now !

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My heart really bleeds for some people...jeez...anyone single or couple earning 44k should not be bleating about child benefit ! Millions of people have brought families up on much less, and as for those who think we should be looking at reducing benefits for pensioners before reducing child benefit are seriously deluded, many of our pensioners never got a penny in child benefit, what a greedy, selfish society we have now !


In the words of Bachman Turner Overdrive ------=- You Aint Seen Nothing Yet

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Stop all the scroungers for Gods sake. Most people go to work and pay there way but there are always some who take the ****. Hopefully this government will make Great Britain what it was instead of a worldwide joke.

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Give me a job at £44,000 a year and i will give up my child benefits any day.


Totally agree, I dont know where they get the figures from for "average earnings", but I wish I got the average amount, tbh I dont even know any one on that kind of money

I work full time, and have just the one child, I earn just under £14k a year, and I can survive on that, Ok, I get WTC, but with that included, that still doesnt bring me into the "average earnings" bracket, nowhere near.

If the average earnings is 28k a year, thats something like £530 a week before deductions, then I want some of that!!

If, like they say,you have earnings of 44k a year, and are claiming CB, you will lose it.

BIG DEAL. :rant:


I'm not sure about the deductions, say, a couple of hundred quid, I would quite happily give up my £20 per week CB (£1040 per year) if I was earning £600 PER WEEK!!! (estimated, obviously),

I'm sorry but if you gonna kick up a stink just because you're gonna lose 3k a year, (assuming you're claiming CB for 3 children) and you're earning 44k a year you need to seriously re-evaluate your expenditure, if you cant live on 44k a year without claiming 3k in CB, you need help! :help:

I know quite a few people who would gladly lose CB if they were on 44k a year!

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It fails to recognise the choice, and benefits, from one parent staying at home.


Quite so.


With both parents working, although they will (probably) have a higher household income, than a family with only one parent working, they will have substantial child-care costs, which the one worker family will not.

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