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Divorce party ideas

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missed that, that will teach me. forced marriage should be a crime....or is it?



It is, in this country, but it can be hard to prove if the coercion is not overtly obvious.


Also (and this doesn't apply to the OP but is a general statement), some people consider themselves "forced" into marriage when they were not, but merely felt obligated to marry. Perhaps because of a pregnancy, or peer pressure, or by the time they realised the marriage was a bad idea it was "too late to back out." None of those things would count as a genuine forced marriage.

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  • 4 years later...
05-10-2010, 12:26 #23


Registered User


Joined: Jun 2009

Total Posts: 48


thanks for the ideas keep them coming



Hey mayzz,


If you really want to make the party more entertaining then you should hire the party promoters. They add the fun factor in the party.


When he said, keep them coming, think he meant in the same year- not four years later.

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