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Cameron and his Crew blame everything on the past Goverment

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Backward, the World has moved backward, in every sense.

Humanity peaked sometime in the late sixties, and it is downhill from here on.

Give it 200 years and we will be back to the Dark Ages.

Like after Woodstock?You liken it to the last days of the Roman empire,...................."fiddling whilst Rome burned"......... Brown always reminded me of Nero!

Apart from all that, something has really got up your nose to make you so bitter and twisted...........do share with some facts and figures!

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Backward, the World has moved backward, in every sense.

Humanity peaked sometime in the late sixties, and it is downhill from here on.

Give it 200 years and we will be back to the Dark Ages.

In what sense peaked? I'm genuinely interested. There has been a breakdown in community in my lifetime so i'm curious as to what was so much better in the 60's?
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In what sense peaked? I'm genuinely interested. There has been a breakdown in community in my lifetime so i'm curious as to what was so much better in the 60's?


It wasnt better in the sense of the word.

But it was the peak of human endeavour.

Since then the world has become introspective, and lacking in ambition.

The days of space travel and mass supersonic flight, to name but two, are distant memories, that only older people can remember.


A whole generation has grown up knowing nothing but mass murder and terrorism, caused by backward thought, capitalism, and archaic religions.


When the ambition of the species is lost, then it is only a matter of time.

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It wasnt better in the sense of the word.

But it was the peak of human endeavour.

Since then the world has become introspective, and lacking in ambition.

The days of space travel and mass supersonic flight, to name but two, are distant memories, that only older people can remember.


A whole generation has grown up knowing nothing but mass murder and terrorism, caused by backward thought, capitalism, and archaic religions.


When the ambition of the species is lost, then it is only a matter of time.

Its an interesting idea. I'm not sure I entirely agree with you
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Crime levels dropped significantly under the previous administration. According to the British Crime Survey, in the 13 years between 1997 and 2010 overall crime fell by 35%.

I wonder if the present coalition blame the 1979 - 1997 governments when overall crime more than doubled?

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Thats because the last goverment left the country with no money in the pot.Labour admited to this,so when it comes to the Tories getting it in the neck for having to make cuts.Who's to blame,its certainly not the Tories.People have short memories and have soon forgot Labour was spending money right up to the last minute knowing they were going to lose.They didnt give a damn about the consequences.


Yawn .... and why did Labour have to spend heavily in the first place ... was it because of 18 years of Tory rule that ran the entire country into the ground, sold off all the industry, shut down the remaining industry and slashed the public service so the country couldn't function? i.e. buses, hospitals, tax systems, passport renewals, driving licences and the rest.


BTW, what would your beloved Tories had done when the banks were going bust and the entrire economy was collapsing due to the deregulation of the banks which started under Thatcher in 1980? Let them I go bust I suppose and then we'd all starve. Still, I'm better than you, which is the true Tory trait.

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Brown wasn't completely wrong, he had the boom, and then he handed another government the bust.


No he didn't, he didn't hand anything to anyone. Even Cameron didn't win the election, parliament was hung and he had to bribe the Liberals so he could grasp power. After that, the first thing he did was to intoduce a minimum 5 year parliament because he knows he is not popular. Still, people will be rioting in the streets before too long because they won't have any work, can't get the public services they need and there will be another recession.

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It's like it's the national pass time around these parts to still blame Maggie for everything. And that was over 20 years ago, not 20 weeks ago!


It doesnt matter if its 20 minutes, 20 years, or 200 years.

She is still responsible for it all.

And can never be forgiven, ever, under any circumstances.

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