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Disproving the Existence of God

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So, that's your answer? An indignant statement devoid of humility or the ability to recognize mistakes.


"Honour thy neighbour" - you're not generally being a role model for love and tolerance... In fact you plainly refuse to acknowledge your failings, instead opting to blame others (even me).


Like so many others, I said I wouldn't post any more on these Does God Exist threads as they seem to cause pain and go around in circles, which I absolutely don't want. But I'll say one final time: you are in control of your life and you have a choice what to say and when. You can grow or stagnate; it's your choice :)


You can live harmoniously on SF.


We all need to look at our actions from time to time and no one is beyond reproach.


I am not tolerant of evil Karis whoever commits it and I make no bones about it.


I can love my fellow man, but not many of the things they do and you and everyone else is just as condemnatory of those things as I am. If you blame me for condemning what happened in the Catholic Church and other things, then you are blaming just about everyone on the forum who feels the same way. However in these matters we are all agreed which gives us the harmony you spoke about. :)


Thank you.



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;6767644']More than half of those were religious or at least constructed their societies along the lines of religious like ideals by representing their leaders within a cult of personality that viewed them as godlike. Such societies found themselves lacking any form of reason or self criticism. We've been over this before.... People are motivated by what they DO believe and not what they dont.... Atheism is a LACK of belief and cannot be held accountable for people's actions. Its when core beliefs are held to be infallible that you can make people do anything to maintains those beliefs.


I believe in a good God who said not to murder and my belief does motivate me to do good and shun harm. I admit it.


Obviously those peoples beliefs are not mine.



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I am not tolerant of evil Karis whoever commits it and I make no bones about it.



Who does evil? What you quantify as evil is certainly not what I would say is evil. And you do seem to bandy it about an awful lot.


How much actual evil do you see in your life? I bet very little.


This isn't the Serial Killer's of the UK website - it's Sheffield Forum.


Once you start talking about finding evil, you might as well be playing Dungeons & Dragons...

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Thank you for the kind things you said Smithster.


There are a couple of things, and as you admit people are prepared to follow the teaching of other men including Muhammed, Anton LaVey and others as you rightly say, so why can't people follow the teaching of Jesus whether you believe in God or not?


The other thing about Christianity and Islam is the message of eternal life which I don't talk about because I shall never know in this life and whatever people think I do try to keep my feet on the ground. :)


So to summarise my feelings on the subject, I feel that Christianity as a model for everyday living has much to offer with perhaps a 'bonus ball' at the end. :thumbsup:

Whats wrong with not believing the supernatural bunkum that gets packaged alongside what Jesus said? Why cant i simply be an "Atheist for Jesus?"



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The evidence against there being a theistic god is a whole lot more than just a philosophical argument. When you look at all the evidence from science, including neurological science, as well as history, politics and social studies looking at human nature then the evidence against there being a god is totally overwhelming.

As for the bible then this also puts a nail in the coffin of there being a god for if you claim to be a true xtian then you have to believe that the bible is the unerring word of god, which it clearly isn't, and there is no way you can do that and be a rational person.

As for claiming that we will never have scientific proof for or against god you don't know that any more than I do. Have you got a crystal ball or something? We have no idea what advances science will make in the next 1000 years.

Here's a caller saying the same as you (mainly in video 2). He gets destroyed by Matt.


It's not that there's scientific evidence showing the non-existence of a God- more that there's no scientific evidence for the existence of god.


The claim that we will never have scientific proof that God does not exist is perfectly valid- there are many definitions of what God is, many of which are not empirically provable/unprovable.

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Who does evil? What you quantify as evil is certainly not what I would say is evil. And you do seem to bandy it about an awful lot.


How much actual evil do you see in your life? I bet very little.


This isn't the Serial Killer's of the UK website - it's Sheffield Forum.


Once you start talking about finding evil, you might as well be playing Dungeons & Dragons...


Don't you read the Daily Mail? :D


Come on the newspapers are full of it, or are atheists sanitized to it and regard it as normal behaviour?

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;6767697']Whats wrong with not believing the supernatural bunkum that gets packaged alongside what Jesus said? Why cant i simply be an "Atheist for Jesus?"




If that were the case then obviously you wouldn't believe in the divinity of Jesus which is a large part of Christianity. So all you would be doing is following a good humanistic type of morality.



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Don't you read the Daily Mail? :D


Come on the newspapers are full of it, or are atheists sanitized to it and regard it as normal behaviour?

I trumped the other day and it left a stain in my pants that resembles jesus, have I been blessed or just messed ??

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Don't you read the Daily Mail? :D


Come on the newspapers are full of it, or are atheists sanitized to it and regard it as normal behaviour?


No Grahame, and please stop tarring all atheists with the same brush, just as you asked the non-believers on this thread to stop tarring you with the same brush as those who commit atrocities in the name of god.


Contrary to what the newspapers would have us believe, evil is not everywhere; there isn't a paedophile lurking on every street corner and not every teenager that wears a hooded top is going to stab you and steal your wallet.


Your beliefs tell you that mankind is inherently 'wicked and evil' and that is one of the primary reasons I cannot follow your doctrine, because I believe that humans are essentially good but are sometimes compelled to carry out acts that society considers evil either out of desperation or through a lack of love and attention during childhood.


It is very rare that I actually encounter evil. The only time I have ever been a victim of crime is when my bike was stolen when I was 16. Nearly all of the people with whom I interact on a daily basis are good people. There have been a few individuals that I have known over the years who would happily sell their grandmothers for their own ends, but thankfully they can be counted on one hand and I no longer have anything to do with them.

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