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Disproving the Existence of God

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From the amount of time you spend making your point, your ardour is as strong as my faith.


The difference being, I am passionate about language, which is far FAR from being passionate about a divine being.


I'm pretty sure, when I last looked, that passion had nothing to do with faith! :)


Edit: Better put some smilies in here to show how casual this all is :)

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Have you not read the bible? If not then you've also managed to miss this reference that milquetoast provided earlier in this thread.


I have read bits of the Bible. Some of it makes a lot of sense. Some of it does not.

Nowhere in it have I read that God is omnipotent, and even if I had I would put it down to a mistranslation.


You are the one asserting that Christians believe something foolish, it is up to you to cite evidence for that assertion: show me in the bible where it says God is omnipotent.


Yes of course, if you're unable to rebut any part of it (the article that I linked to) which I haven't seen you, or anybody else, do yet.

The article is based on the rebuttal of an omniscient God. It all falls apart if God may be less than omniscient.

I don't think it's semantics to point out that an 'undefined not understood god' just happens to be a he.

"He" was simply the pronoun that fell most readily to hand. If you have to give it so much weight, then what does that say about the rest of your arguments?

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When people try to call atheism a form of religion I like to use this quote; 'If atheism is a religion then health is a disease'. I don't know who said it first I'm afraid but whoever they were they summed it up beautifully.


That's like saying 'bald is a hair colour.'


...or that not collecting stamps is a hobby.

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Atheists display that intolerance to a man.

Atheists withhold belief in that for which there is no robust evidence, is all.


Just one more reason to beware of atheists.

So what do 9/11, the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, choirboy abuse by priests, etc. tell us about bewaring theists?

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I am intolerant of people who stick their noses into other peoples affairs and then begin dictating to them.

The Pope?


Rowan Williams?


The chief rabbi?


George Bush (either/both)?


Tony B.Liar (catholic convert)?

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I have read bits of the Bible. Some of it makes a lot of sense. Some of it does not.

Nowhere in it have I read that God is omnipotent, and even if I had I would put it down to a mistranslation.

I've never met a theist yet that didn't cherry pick and didn't discard that which doesn't confirm their preconceptions. Why should you be any different?


You are the one asserting that Christians believe something foolish, it is up to you to cite evidence for that assertion: show me in the bible where it says God is omnipotent.

As you've only 'read bits', it must be in the 'bits' you haven't read.


The article is based on the rebuttal of an omniscient God. It all falls apart if God may be less than omniscient.

Moving the goalposts, much? :rolleyes: So provide evidence of a 'less than omniscient' god, otherwise it doesn't fall apart.


"He" was simply the pronoun that fell most readily to hand. If you have to give it so much weight, then what does that say about the rest of your arguments?

That accurate use of words is important?

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You must relly hate organised religions then.


That goes for anyone.

So everyone should hate organised religions? Well said, Grahame! I knew you'd see the light someday.


ETA: Oh dear. Your edit has spoiled the illusion. Same old, same old.

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