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Disproving the Existence of God

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It is a dead cert it will end up in the scrap yard due to one fault or another.


Well yes, owing to the fact that they are made of corrosive materials and are not built to last for centuries, combined with the materialistic idea that things over a certain age need to be scrapped and replaced on a regular basis.


for the life of me Grahame I still cannot understand your analogy. It makes even less sense than most of your rambling posts.

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God gave us free will which is something atheist dictators the world over have denied people .


I love God.


but, BUT. Let's look at this:


God gave us free will, and then said: Do as I say or you'll go to Hell.




Does that seem fair to anyone else? He's saying 'go make your own mistakes, sure, you're human, but if you do, you're going to Hell'.


Not really very reasonable, OR logical, is it? It's like the ultimate kids' punishment.

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Do you believe this rubbish you post?


Do you believe the rubbish and lies that you post?


Your ignorance knows no bounds.


Insulting people again, I see:rolleyes:


If you think lack of hair means there is no God, then look under your armpits.


Do you set out to sound moronic, or is it natural.


You introduced the concept of baldness to the thread, then backtrack when you point is proven invalid.


That's like saying 'bald is a hair colour.'


It's nothing of the sort; unless you can not read:


When people try to call atheism a form of religion I like to use this quote; 'If atheism is a religion then health is a disease'. I don't know who said it first I'm afraid but whoever they were they summed it up beautifully.


Atheists display that intolerance to a man.


Oh well; if we're going to start lying....


The religious show intolerance of anyone that does not share their belief system.


Just one more reason to be wary of the religious nut jobs.:thumbsup:


But can't you see that you are equally intolerant of atheism


It's not only atheists that grahame is intolerant of; it's anyone who doesn't share the same belief system as himself:loopy:.


I am intolerant


At last:thumbsup:.


people who stick their noses into other peoples affairs and then begin dictating to them.


You mean people like yourself who bemoan/besmirch people who don't worship the same god as you.


You must relly hate organised religions then.


And himself:thumbsup:.


What was your point?


You said it should be easy to prove the non-existence of "god". I gave two examples that could not be proven false; thus showing that it is impossible to prove a negative:thumbsup:


ETA: Oh dear. Your edit has spoiled the illusion. Same old, same old.


Surely you're not suggesting that Grahame edits his posts, as Grahame has stated (publicly) that he never edits his posts.

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God gave us free will which is something dictators the world over have denied people.


I love God.


The fact that you have completely changed the subject (again) is a clear indication that you can't stick by your original comment.


I will then take it that when you said


I am intolerant of people who stick their noses into other peoples affairs and then begin dictating to them.


What you actually meant was you are intolerant of people who have the temerity to challenge the 'god given' entitlement religious zealots the world over seem to feel they have to stick their noses into other people's affairs and dictate to them.

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I have read bits of the Bible. Some of it makes a lot of sense. Some of it does not.

Nowhere in it have I read that God is omnipotent, and even if I had I would put it down to a mistranslation.


You are the one asserting that Christians believe something foolish, it is up to you to cite evidence for that assertion: show me in the bible where it says God is omnipotent.



The article is based on the rebuttal of an omniscient God. It all falls apart if God may be less than omniscient.


Basically what redwhine said but just to reinforce the issue from milquetoast's post giving info on where in the bible it says god is omnipotent here's another list yet again giving the chapters where you can find this info as well as a whole list of other things that this god is supposed to be that are also clearly contradictory.:cool:



"He" was simply the pronoun that fell most readily to hand. If you have to give it so much weight, then what does that say about the rest of your arguments?


It says that I realise how important clear, unambiguous language is to enable knowledge and understanding to take place;).

I would have thought it plainly obvious that you should call something that is 'not defined or understood' as an 'it' rather than a 'he' and that clearly, as long as 'it' remains undefined, then you can't call it 'god' either otherwise you've gone someway to define it so it's clearly not undefined any more. Yet another oxymoron.:roll:

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The fact that you have completely changed the subject (again) is a clear indication that you can't stick by your original comment.


I will then take it that when you said


What you actually meant was you are intolerant of people who have the temerity to challenge the 'god given' entitlement religious zealots the world over seem to feel they have to stick their noses into other people's affairs and dictate to them.


Don't put words into my mouth donkey please. If you want to know, I don't like interfering busybodies who will insist on poking their nose into other peoples affairs where they aren't welcome and then they start telling them what to do. What makes it worse is when they haven't got a clue what they are talking about and that goes for all atheists when it comes to God.


If the cap fits then wear it.

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but, BUT. Let's look at this:


God gave us free will, and then said: Do as I say or you'll go to Hell.




Does that seem fair to anyone else? He's saying 'go make your own mistakes, sure, you're human, but if you do, you're going to Hell'.


Not really very reasonable, OR logical, is it? It's like the ultimate kids' punishment.


God gave us the free will to either live in harmony with our neighbour which is what happens when all people follow the Ten Commandments, or reject God and live in a broken society.


The majority reject both God and the commandments unfortunately and atheists evangelically and enthusiastically promote the latter which I think is a crime against God and society and if you don't believe in God it is certainly a crime against society.



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What makes it worse is when they haven't got a clue what they are talking about and that goes for all atheists when it comes to God.


Why do keep uttering such falsehoods?


And you know that is a lie (I have told you before - repeatedly - that I have read the CoE/Catholic & Methodist bibles attended churches (of the 3 flavours I mentioned) and attended Sunday School - where my mother was one of the teachers. Most atheists have a good understanding of how the religions work and of their religious texts).
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