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Disproving the Existence of God

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I don't have to. You're damned by your own words and actions towards others who have a differing POV to yourself.


What's up can't you take a bit of plain talking? I have to.


Just seen your EDIT.


I know there are very fine, good and moral atheists but Christianity isn't so much about morality as believing in Jesus and all he taught.

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I apologise that you are not a friend of six. I am sure he will be mortified.


I'm mortified I'm not a friend of sccsux.:o For once you're right Grahame. That's amazing, over 17000 posts and this is the first time you've been right.:cool:

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What's up can't you take a bit of plain talking? I have to.


Yes I can; but I don't like people who lie to try and "win" a debate, which is what you're doing, by failing to acknowledge that the non-religious are capable of behaving in ways that shame most of the religious people I've met, you are (in effect) lying.

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I know there are very fine, good and moral atheists but Christianity isn't so much about morality as believing in Jesus and all he taught.


But not everybody believes, yet they are capable of doing more good than many of the religious folk I've met.

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But not everybody believes, yet they are capable of doing more good than many of the religious folk I've met.


I know and they can probably beat a lot of Christians in the "doing good" stakes, but like I said Christianity isn't only about doing good. :)


Edit, this is one reason why I don't think you understand the "Gospel of Jesus Christ."

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If you pay some attentions to everything besides you, you can observe how everything is in sequence. Everything has some meaning in it. Nothing un beneficial in this huge world.
Absolute nonsense. What about birth defects?


Then can you believe is it made by an ordinary person or a human being. Never all is creation of GOD almighty. Who listens you when you worried. When no one is yours then He is the only Who never leave you.
Not only do you think god exists, you think that you are important enough that he would listen to you, lol!
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It's called tough love.


Or do you want sloppy sentimentalism? Is that what you expect?


It's got nothing to do with love. Like a lot of religious poeple who set themselves upo as being spokespersons for the will of god, you ignore large passeges of the doctrine you are supposed to be following, such as

'Let he who is without sin caste the first stone'

'Turn the other cheek'

'love thy neighbour' (it doesn't say unless they are gay or Muslim)

'Thy shalt not bear false witness' (presumably, if you follow the spirit of this commandment it would include the intellectual dishonesty of changing the subject when you have talked yourself into a corner.)


the fact that you ignore all these bits so that you can set yourself up as a spokesperson for the will of god, and try and pass this self agrandisement off as 'tough love' is about what I have come to expect from the fervently religious. Having been educated by them, I am not easily fooled into confusing spitiual love for your fellow man, and using the bible as an excuse to adopt airs of moral superiority.

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