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Disproving the Existence of God

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Consider a bus. The bus has comfy seats and is going on a trip. The driver says the bus can do 100 miles per hour.


You can prove conclusively that the bus cannot do 100 miles per hour. Indeed you can prove that it is impossible for any bus to go that fast.


So you stand in the road declaring there is no bus.


This is analogous to your position. God is the bus, and the claimed speed is omnipotence.

You have disproved the speed (omnipotence), but you have said nothing about the bus (god). Meanwhile the passengers are having a nice trip.


You may be right. There may be no bus. The passengers might be imagining the trip, but does that matter?

Only if they start attacking the people on another bus for being on the wrong bus. Or fighting over what to play on the radio, or the curtains, or...


And yes, they will fight over those things, people are like that. That is not necessarily the fault of the bus.


No, but without the (imaginary) bus being there they wouldn't be able to fight over it.

I know what you're going to say in response. You're going to say that, if they don't fight over the (imaginary) bus then they'll fight over something else. And I'd say yes.....fight (or become more civilised by learning how to improve and share resources which is achieved through the scientific method) over a (real) bus that you can observe and test and give a value as to how it's actually going to improve your journey rather than remaining in ignorance believing that the (imaginary) bus will get you there when it clearly won't.

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No, but without the (imaginary) bus being there they wouldn't be able to fight over it.

I know what you're going to say in response. You're going to say that, if they don't fight over the (imaginary) bus then they'll fight over something else.

And I am sure we both know I'd be right.

Eliminate Religion, folk will fight about politics, eliminate politics and they'll fight about football...

Some folk just like fighting. :loopy:

And I'd say yes.....fight (or become more civilised by learning how to improve and share resources which is achieved through the scientific method) over a (real) bus that you can observe and test and give a value as to how it's actually going to improve your journey

Fighting over the god bus is entirely irrelevant to the journey of scientific discovery... discounting the religious nutters who want it derailled.

rather than remaining in ignorance believing that the (imaginary) bus will get you there when it clearly won't.

Yet you still present no argument to suggest that the bus is imaginary other than the fact it cannot do 100mph.

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Yet you still present no argument to suggest that the bus is imaginary other than the fact it cannot do 100mph.


But when bus is defined as something which can do 100mph then proving that a bus cannot do 100mph would indeed prove that the bus doesn't exist.

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Errm it has nothing to do with trying to substantiate a post I made earlier in the thread. It was a response to the post I quoted :huh:

The post you quoted was entirely about your attempts to justify your absurd declaration that:


"that no religion actually believes in an all powerful God"


By denying that the repeated use of the line "There's nothing my God cannot do" in a popular Christian song indicates a belief that the Christian God can do anything.


I am speaking from having studied religion.

Given the ludicrousness claims you've been making maybe you should go back and study some more until you learn not to make universal claims about the nature of all religions which are flatly contradicted by the most common varieties of religion in our society today.


Every main branch of religion from Judeo-Christianity to Buddhism has at its root mystical traditions. That is what I mean when I say all religions... I mean it in generality not specifically every one of the thousands of varients.

Regardless of what you claim to be the origins of Christianity the fact is you are flat out wrong about the nature of the god the predominant varieties of Christianity concern themselves with today.

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These are the false prophets who worship idols they call God. The Lords are their rulers like our House of Lords.


2 Thessalonians 2:11 For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.


Jeremiah 4:10 Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people.


Try again ;-)

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But when bus is defined as something which can do 100mph then proving that a bus cannot do 100mph would indeed prove that the bus doesn't exist.

For one, that is a stupid definition, and for two, if that were the definition, then all that would prove is that it is not a bus.

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