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Families to go to Australia?

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The Aussie lifestyle is asolutely great, very laid back.

Groceries etc are quite expensive over there but if I had no family over here and my kids were either grown up or very young I would defo think about making the move.

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Thanks for that John. Wasn't there a fuss a few years ago about boat people from Vietnam being put into internment camps straight away so that their cases would be investigated thoroughly before they were told they could enter - or more often forbidden right of entry?


I seem to remember that the 'bleeding hearts' felt that they should all be let in ... of course, none of them would disappear, would they?


I have a niece who is married to an Australian who lives on the West Coast. Her mother intends to retire there. My sister has both US and British nationality, she won't be having any more children (obviously), won't be working (living on a pension which she will bring with her) and will bing her own health insurance with her. She won't be a burden on the state, but nor will she be much of an asset. - She will pay sales and other taxes and will (presumably) provide some work for those who provide the services she uses.


When she applied, she was told there was a waiting list and because the number of applicants from the UK was/is rather higher than the number from the US, the waiting period for a British citizen to obtain a visa is longer than that for an American.


Is there a quota system based on Nationality for people entering with work visas?


the "siagon yacht club "was a long time ago , quite a few hundred thousand were acepted fairfield and cabramatta are veitnamese suburbs now in sydney .most of the boat people now are from sri lanka ,afghanistan and iraqi.as for interment camps I would'nt classifi chrismas island as one ,nahru is the one offshore I think you mean where they were kept for processing ,which stopped the boats coming for a while,but they closed it under a labouer gov then overnight they started coming again 1 or 2 aweek.its a big emotional issue here queue jumpers cashed up coming via 3 or 4 countrys to get on a boat in indonesia ,while the real refugees don't get a look in plus people like your sister get shoved to the back.not sure about the quota and points systems.but there are loopholes legal and ilegal people use ...like the hong kong chinese with the buisness visa scam.

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This is sooo true! We have just undergone getting a visa for the missus. It took us a year and everytime we spoke to immigration about 1 thing we found out the rules had changed and we had more to do! In the end we just lodged it and hoped for the best... if they want more they can ask us for it! :hihi:


Sydney is VERY expensive property wise but travel an hour up the coast and things become very affordable. I have a property to let at the moment for $300 a week. 4 bed, double garage, good size yard, boat shed and jetty onto the lake....


Job wise is probably the same as the uk. I cam out here and totally changed my career. I am now in property management and its never been busier. The lifestyle is exactly what I thought it would be.


Yes the country has its problems but If I can come out here with 20kg's of luggage and $8000 in the bank and succeed like I am ( rent a very nice 3bed house near the beach, drive a 3 year old 5.4ltr V8 ute, that I also use for work so hardly economical :hihi:, paid for the girlfriends visa, $2500 and still have money in the bank), then anyone can... it just comes down to how much you want it!


A great positive and inspirational post there!

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Why should they make it easy for most people? If there's a lot of unemployment, then isn't limiting immigration the obvious thing to do?


Perhaps they don't feel some strange urge to tax their own people so that migrants can add their names to the lists of the unemployed?


Presumably, if the Australians think they really need or want somebody, that person will find it comparatively easy to get a visa.


The person you have quoted isnt say they 'should' make it easy! Try reading his post in relation to the whole thread! He is responding to the original post by informing them it isntactually as easy as they think!

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