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Paraniod or not ?

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I was in a corner of a small mobile phone unlocking/repair shop the other day,when a lad of around 20.Came in must have known the owner and wanted to sell his mobile,the owner seid he would see him later.The chap left the phone,but seid for the owner of the shop to make sure he wiped the phone as it had photos of him with a gun on it(i cant remember the name of the gun but its the type in use in afgan ect)the semi automatic rifles.The Qeustion is should something be seid to the authorities.I dont know what was on the phone.I dont want to cause trouble.


And when this idiot blows away some innocent kid are you going to post on here how distressing it is?

Get a grip and get it reported.

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Maybe it was someone who had a trip to Pakistan where its not illegal to toy with guns while your there ?


Maybe its a legitimate reason for him to have the gun and as he is now back in this country he does not want someone seeing the photo's and getting the wrong end of the stick ?


Its only illegal if its here is it not ?


But to be safe report it if you think theres something in it and want to be cautious.

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This has absolutely astounded me someone has walked into a store near you and mentioned that he has a gun with him on the phone and you didnt think to report it in the first instance as soon as i walked out of the shop ive had been on 999 im not usually a whistle blower but id make exceptions because i couldnt deal with my concience knowing this lad could seriously hurt or even kill someone because i didnt mention it to the relevant authority.


get yourself down to the plods and mention it.

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