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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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I wonder how much of my hard earned lolly is going into those that sit on here with new laptops? All those that scream about layabouts seem to always scream at a time when they should be at work.


Funny thread. Back to the grind 4 me.

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I wonder how much of my hard earned lolly is going into those that sit on here with new laptops? All those that scream about layabouts seem to always scream at a time when they should be at work.


Funny thread. Back to the grind 4 me.


And what time should people be at work, haven’t you heard of shifts, another 10 minutes and I am off to work.:(

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Hopefully a better system can be put in place to stop this type of thing being possible, I don't see it any time soon though. My Wife and I go out to work everyday, I hate pretty much every second of it and we can't afford to have children and don't have half the things some people on benefits do. It doesn't really seem fair does it, and we probably earn more than a lot of couples do who must find it even harder.


Why are people who choose not to work provided with anything more than the basics required to live in acceptable conditions?

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I wonder how much of my hard earned lolly is going into those that sit on here with new laptops? All those that scream about layabouts seem to always scream at a time when they should be at work.


Funny thread. Back to the grind 4 me.


And what time should people be at work, haven’t you heard of shifts, another 10 minutes and I am off to work.:(


Indeed, or people who work from home, or are retired, or are sat on a bus/train with their Blueberry.

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Q: How do you distract the attention of the more predictable members of the public away from the fact that they are paying for massive losses run up through gambling on the financial markets by a small elite of the extremely wealthy?

A: Run daily stories about benefit fraudsters in newspapers owned by a small elite of the extremely wealthy.

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People like the family with 13 kids in the OP should, once the kids have reached 18, be rehoused in a one/two bedroom flat and then have a small percentage of their ongoing benefit entitlement (which would be drastically reduced once the kids have left) deducted to repay the state the cost of having supported their vast families. Perhaps this could be enforced for those who had say over 4 children and should be a disincentive to continue procreating at such a rate. The figure of four children allows for 2 multiple births.

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Why are people who choose not to work provided with anything more than the basics required to live in acceptable conditions?


Because someone decided to redefine the word poverty,


The government's child poverty targets lay in tatters today as new figures showed that 2.9 million children are officially living below the breadline in the UK – up 100,000 since 2005-06.
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I'll quote it from 2 different sources as I know some people instantly dismiss stories from certain newspapers.


A message to those NOT in favour of clamping down on benefits. What do you propose we do with "people" such as those listed?


To elaborate, they use their benefits for breast enlargements, liposuction and other cosmetic surgery as well as a swimming pool and 60 inch plasma TV.




Both the Sun and the Fail are extreme right wing comics.

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Both the Sun and the Fail are extreme right wing comics.


I had lunch in a greasy spoon today, where I actually looked through a copy of the Sun. It was even worse than I remembered. An incredible amount of space was dedicated to kissing Cameron's bottom. Apart from that there were the obligatory stories about dole fradsters and assorted 'evil scum,' interspersed with photos of semi naked teenage girls. It makes me shudder to think that it is such a popular paper.

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Q: How do you distract the attention of the more predictable members of the public away from the fact that they are paying for massive losses run up through gambling on the financial markets by a small elite of the extremely wealthy?

A: Run daily stories about benefit fraudsters in newspapers owned by a small elite of the extremely wealthy.


Rubbish..the benefits payments/fraud have been going on for years unlike the banking losses...

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