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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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I agree. However, I also feel that we (as a society) should not foster a culture of entitlement which has given rise to families like the ones in the OP.


I also think we need to move away from fostering dependancy culture, however, I find it extraordinary that at a time when the global economy has been all but collapsed by the excesses of a tiny minority who have caused us debts on a scale which dwarfs the bill for benefits, that there is so much outrage being whipped up concerning 'dole scroungers', while the people who have really taken us all to the cleaners are being allowed to carry on as before, with scarcely a ripple of protest.

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I object strongly to the title of this thread, which I believe seeks to incite hatred against what it terms benefit "parasites".


The OP is aiming his venom at the WRONG target - single parents and families that have done nothing wrong. They have committed no crime. They have claimed state financial assistance, which has been given to them (after they have jumped through hoops) because politicians legislated for a civilised society which protects its children and vulnerable. If you wish to blame anyone - blame the political class.


I would ask - how does a lone parent family claiming benefits to which they are legally entitled "make everyone else suffer". How have you personally suffered, Paul2412?


but they are scumbag parasites...and they want jailing and the kids fostered out...then the kids may have a chance in life....

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I also think we need to move away from fostering dependancy culture, however, I find it extraordinary that at a time when the global economy has been all but collapsed by the excesses of a tiny minority who have caused us debts on a scale which dwarfs the bill for benefits, that there is so much outrage being whipped up concerning 'dole scroungers', while the people who have really taken us all to the cleaners are being allowed to carry on as before, with scarcely a ripple of protest.


Yes, I agree with every word of that. Don't even get me started on the bankers . . . :rant:


I think that the culture of entitlement and dependency are inextricably linked.

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but they are scumbag parasites...and they want jailing and the kids fostered out...then the kids may have a chance in life....


Yes, imprisoning parents for the crime of not working and sticking children in foster care is really giving them the best start in life.:roll: Have you any idea how traumatic it is for a child to be removed from their family and placed in a series of foster homes? That is if you can place them.

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Stealing is factually incorrect. Kelly Marshall is in receipt of her benefits entirely legally. She is not committing any crime. How she chooses to spend her welfare payments is up to her.


If you don't like this situation, you should not have voted for it.



no we voted for change and the tories are going to sort out these parasites....thank god...send her to workhouse and her kids up the chimneys...

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But Kelly Marshall cannot command the sort of salary necessary to support her family - she is unskilled due to the appalling state of the British education system. Which the political class, over the last forty years, is directly responsible for.


The families mentioned in the newspaper articles are but SYMPTOMS of the real problem, which is the global market economy.


If Ms. Marshall is unable to feed her family, should they be left to fend for themselves?



yes they could forage for food behind sainsbury's...

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There have been articles like the one in the OP since forever..there's no change now,having said that, it was Labour who bailed out the banks.....are they right wing also...?


Are they right wing? Let me see. They invaded Iraq, and handed control of the financial markets to the bankers themselves, then used public money to bail them out but didn't take them into paublic ownership despite having bought or guarenteed all their debts (Ii only mortgage companies were so simpathetic.) Many - if not most - of the former cabinet members themselves have links to the city and large assorted corporations....these are hardly the hall marks of marxists!

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But Kelly Marshall cannot command the sort of salary necessary to support her family - she is unskilled due to the appalling state of the British education system. Which the political class, over the last forty years, is directly responsible for.


Rubbish,she's had the same chance of education as 95% of the people in the UK..she shouldn't have had the kids (first one at 15 wasn't it?) if she didn't have the means to support them....

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Are they right wing? Let me see. They invaded Iraq, and handed control of the financial markets to the bankers themselves, then used public money to bail them out but didn't take them into paublic ownership despite having bought or guarenteed all their debts (Ii only mortgage companies were so simpathetic.) Many - if not most - of the former cabinet members themselves have links to the city and large assorted corporations....these are hardly the hall marks of marxists!


Left wing governments never have wars?Left wing governments never use public money for the good of the few?Left wing governments never have connections with business? You'll have to do better than that :)

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