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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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Yes, imprisoning parents for the crime of not working and sticking children in foster care is really giving them the best start in life.:roll: Have you any idea how traumatic it is for a child to be removed from their family and placed in a series of foster homes? That is if you can place them.



they would have a greater chance of a future being away from the scumbag mother who is a great role model for her offspring...i'd take my chance away from the parental home...happy days

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Left wing governments never have wars?Left wing governments never use public money for the good of the few?Left wing governments never have connections with business? You'll have to do better than that :)


I would have to do better if any of that was actually what I said.

If the best you can do is deliberately mis-ineterpret and innaccurately para-phrase, it is you who will have to do better.

Blair and Brown are pure free market capitalists. If you think that is 'left-wing' then you have a poor grasp of political ideologies.

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I had lunch in a greasy spoon today, where I actually looked through a copy of the Sun. It was even worse than I remembered. An incredible amount of space was dedicated to kissing Cameron's bottom. Apart from that there were the obligatory stories about dole fradsters and assorted 'evil scum,' interspersed with photos of semi naked teenage girls. It makes me shudder to think that it is such a popular paper.


Should newspapers not report the dishonest use of benefits then? Should it be swept under the carpet?

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i dont blame the woman in this situation even though her smug arrogance annoys me , i blame the goverment for making the rules which allow her to claim/be entiteled to this much money!


You don't blame the woman for bringing into the world so many kids that she can't possibly look after, so she can simply use them as cash cows?


You don't blame the other woman for using her child benefit payments for breast enlargements?


Come on, yes they shouldn't be able to receive such benefits but you can't possibly say they aren't to blame.

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You don't blame the woman for bringing into the world so many kids that she can't possibly look after, so she can simply use them as cash cows?


You don't blame the other woman for using her child benefit payments for breast enlargements?


Come on, yes they shouldn't be able to receive such benefits but you can't possibly say they aren't to blame.


nope not sayin they arnt too blame, each of those women are responsible for their own actions.


yes i think it was wrong of her to have children she could not afford, i myself have had 2 children and have always worked to support them so yes it annoys me.


yes using the money for surgery is shamefull and a slap in the face to us all who work bloody hard!


i have to wonder would they have had those children if there wasnt a safety net there in the way of benefits?

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...You don't blame the other woman for using her child benefit payments for breast enlargements?


Come on, yes they shouldn't be able to receive such benefits but you can't possibly say they aren't to blame.


She certainly shouldn't have done that, but given that she did (and no doubt other people have also misused benefits intended for the children) why give her (or other claimants) benefits in cash?


Pay their rent (if they need housing benefit) - and provide them with rental property other than in high-priced areas.


Pay their utility bills and give them vouchers for clothing and food. Vouchers which can only be redeemed for specific items of clothing and specific foods. - Not to include alcohol and tobacco; if they want those, they go out and earn the money to pay for them.

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Should newspapers not report the dishonest use of benefits then? Should it be swept under the carpet?


It's nice easy story to do and it causes outrage, which is good for selling papers. If they spent even half as much time investigating business and governmental fraud, they might start getting close to some of Murdoch's mates, so they wouldn't want to do that. Plus those stories can be complicated, so people with short attention spans wouldn't read them anyway.

Better to whip up the crowds with endless taless of women on benefits who have plasma screen TVs.

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It's nice easy story to do and it causes outrage, which is good for selling papers. If they spent even half as much time investigating business and governmental fraud, they might start getting close to some of Murdoch's mates, so they wouldn't want to do that. Plus those stories can be complicated, so people with short attention spans wouldn't read them anyway.

Better to whip up the crowds with endless taless of women on benefits who have plasma screen TVs.


So, just to confirm, newspapers shouldn't report the dishonest use of benefits?

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