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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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nope not sayin they arnt too blame, each of those women are responsible for their own actions.


yes i think it was wrong of her to have children she could not afford, i myself have had 2 children and have always worked to support them so yes it annoys me.


yes using the money for surgery is shamefull and a slap in the face to us all who work bloody hard!


i have to wonder would they have had those children if there wasnt a safety net there in the way of benefits?


I've said before that vouchers should be issued for people on benefits, and vouchers can only be redeemed for items on an approved list.


However thinking about it, that would punish people who ARE responsible with their benefit payments and may want to treat themselves at some point.


Both these women should immediately have their benefits withdrawn as they have proven that they cannot be trusted. If that means moving to a smaller house because her wage from McDonald's is lower than £30,000 then she should have thought about that before carrying out her actions AND posing for a national newspaper!

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She certainly shouldn't have done that, but given that she did (and no doubt other people have also misused benefits intended for the children) why give her (or other claimants) benefits in cash?


Pay their rent (if they need housing benefit) - and provide them with rental property other than in high-priced areas.


Pay their utility bills and give them vouchers for clothing and food. Vouchers which can only be redeemed for specific items of clothing and specific foods. - Not to include alcohol and tobacco; if they want those, they go out and earn the money to pay for them.


She's certainly not the first and won't be the last. There are plenty of people who put their own needs ahead of their children's, however, we do not know that in this instance this woman's children are going without. She has saved half of the cost of the procedure and the other half borrowed on her credit cards.


She has strange priorities and let's hope that now she has her implants, she'll not have any more children.


Strangely enough, her mother did work so, she was raised in a work culture.

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I've said before that vouchers should be issued for people on benefits, and vouchers can only be redeemed for items on an approved list.


However thinking about it, that would punish people who ARE responsible with their benefit payments and may want to treat themselves at some point.


Both these women should immediately have their benefits withdrawn as they have proven that they cannot be trusted. If that means moving to a smaller house because her wage from McDonald's is lower than £30,000 then she should have thought about that before carrying out her actions AND posing for a national newspaper!

You can't just withdraw them, she's not committing fraud.

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But Kelly Marshall cannot command the sort of salary necessary to support her family - she is unskilled due to the appalling state of the British education system. Which the political class, over the last forty years, is directly responsible for.


The families mentioned in the newspaper articles are but SYMPTOMS of the real problem, which is the global market economy.


If Ms. Marshall is unable to feed her family, should they be left to fend for themselves?

Something tells me that you've got ulterior motives with the support you're giving this woman.

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at least there white kids in a once white uk


I'd like to know how they find out about all these allowances, when our daughter graduated from university and came to live with us again she was in her mid 20s it took more than 3 months for her to get £42 per week jobseekers, they only paid her something when she broke down in tears and told them at Chesterfield Job Centre that if she came home again without any money that we were going to make her homeless which would have cost them and the local council a lot more money, amazingly money appeared instantly.

She was told at Chesterfield Job Centre had she not come back to live with us she'd have been given instant finacial help.

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I don't think that anyone is suggesting that she is but surely someone somewhere has got the sums wrong


I was merely responding to the post that I quoted from, she cannot be stripped of her benefits as it is her legal entitlement. She is doing nothing illegal. At worst, she's irresponsible and has some bizarre priorities.

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But Kelly Marshall cannot command the sort of salary necessary to support her family - she is unskilled due to the appalling state of the British education system. Which the political class, over the last forty years, is directly responsible for.


that didnt seem to stop be from going to college and getting a decent qulification even though my secondary education was very poor i did well at college and am now in a decent job!


also she does NOT NEED that much money, that she has proven herself by blatantly admitting she paid for all the luxuries she has with her extra/spare benefit money, her or her family do NOT NEED fake boobs lipo botox or a tummy tuck nor do they need designer clothes, expensive electrical items and computers. these things should be not be a right but a priviledge of working and being able to afford it not a perk of claiming benefits!

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