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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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Her family is something that she has control over and something she has allowed to expand despite contributing absolutely nothing financially.


Kelly Marshall has made a significant contribution to our society, in a much more beneficial way than found on any balance sheet. She is bringing up five children, in a loving home. To those soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence, this does not count for much, I know. But in the real world for a kid to be a wanted part of a loving home is what really matters in life.


Kelly is a loving mum, who has always done right by her kids. She has done nothing criminal, unlike the bankers, and is raising the next generation. I, for one, am proud of her.

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Kelly Marshall has made a significant contribution to our society, in a much more beneficial way than found on any balance sheet. She is bringing up five children, in a loving home. To those soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence, this does not count for much, I know. But in the real world for a kid to be a wanted part of a loving home is what really matters in life.


Kelly is a loving mum, who has always done right by her kids. She has done nothing criminal, unlike the bankers, and is raising the next generation. I, for one, am proud of her.


i agree kids need a loving home and that is what should matter when it comes to having kids, i dont think anyone is disputing that.


i think what people are trying to say is that how will the kids be beneficial to our society if they do not learn that you have to work? i think people are asking will they learn that to have nice things etc etd when they see their mother living lavishly without having to earn it?


now im not sayin its 100% her kids will end up being on benefits like their mother but it surely doesnt help their veiw on the world and how it works.


anyway as ive said before its the goverment at fault for making the rules!

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Kelly Marshall has made a significant contribution to our society, in a much more beneficial way than found on any balance sheet. She is bringing up five children, in a loving home. To those soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence, this does not count for much, I know. But in the real world for a kid to be a wanted part of a loving home is what really matters in life.


Kelly is a loving mum, who has always done right by her kids. She has done nothing criminal, unlike the bankers, and is raising the next generation. I, for one, am proud of her.


And she'll soon have a pair of pups you can be proud of :hihi:

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Kelly Marshall has made a significant contribution to our society, in a much more beneficial way than found on any balance sheet. She is bringing up five children, in a loving home. To those soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence, this does not count for much, I know. But in the real world for a kid to be a wanted part of a loving home is what really matters in life.


Kelly is a loving mum, who has always done right by her kids. She has done nothing criminal, unlike the bankers, and is raising the next generation. I, for one, am proud of her.


Personally I think we should render them all down and make fuel out of them.


Less of a drain on the welfare state, and something for the old folks to burn so they don't need the winter fuel payments.



Might have to have a reverse boob job though, I'm not sure burning silicone implants is very eco friendly

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Kelly Marshall has made a significant contribution to our society, in a much more beneficial way than found on any balance sheet. She is bringing up five children, in a loving home. To those soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence, this does not count for much, I know. But in the real world for a kid to be a wanted part of a loving home is what really matters in life.


Kelly is a loving mum, who has always done right by her kids. She has done nothing criminal, unlike the bankers, and is raising the next generation. I, for one, am proud of her.


Do you honestly believe that Kelly Marshall has had as many children as she has because she longed to be a mother, because she has forfilled her destiny to be a loving and caring mum? Or does she see her children as more money? Is she in fact a 'soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence'?

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i agree kids need a loving home and that is what should matter when it comes to having kids, i dont think anyone is disputing that.


i think what people are trying to say is that how will the kids be beneficial to our society if they do not learn that you have to work? i think people are asking will they learn that to have nice things etc etd when they see their mother living lavishly without having to earn it?


I would dispute your perception that Kelly Marshall is living "lavishly". She has an income from benefits of almost £29,000 per year - that's nearly £4,833 per family member. She is hardly living life among the ranks of the super rich!


Looking at the pics in the newspaper article, she does not appear to have a luxurious home. Her settee looks cheap, and her clothes don't look at all expensive. She appears quite ordinary, unless, that is, you are currently living in a cardboard box.

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Do you honestly believe that Kelly Marshall has had as many children as she has because she longed to be a mother, because she has forfilled her destiny to be a loving and caring mum? Or does she see her children as more money? Is she in fact a 'soulless automatons who only see life in terms of pounds and pence'?


To be fair I'm sure she is a loving and caring mum, it's just she wants you, me, and everybody else to pay for them (and here new boobs). Looking at pic 2 somebody should tell her to go for liposuction instead, she already has a decent rack.

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