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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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Go to your GP and say you have depression and demand that the NHS foot the bill. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


You may find that acceptable, I don't.



How can the NHS be expected to provide methadone for all the druggies if I have an Aston from them :D.


Anyway, back on topic, do you really believe that a boob job, a 60" plasma, and 2 foreign holidays a year are needs that should be provided for by the benefit system?

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No, the press are not putting the spotlight on the people who actually receive our taxes, certainly not in respect of the £870 pcm rent. The woman involved doesn't receive this money
She does. Then it gets paid out to a service provider, in exchange for a service.


In the exact same manner as

£xxxx got paid to another service provider for her to get a 60" plasma TV,

£xxxx got paid to another service provider for her to go on a foreign holiday,



Any amount of that is my tax money at work, your tax money at work, any other taxpayer's money at work (do you pay any tax, btw?)

, it goes directly to a landlord. S/he is the one taking the system for a ride as s/he gets the money, surely?
As you can tell form the above, I'm afraid not.


The fact that it might "go directly to a landlord" is neither here nor there: she has "special habitation needs" due to the size of her family, the Council does not provide plus-size social accomodation to the extent required, so the Council has to resort to an external service provider apt to provide the service to the extent required. That commercial service has a price set according to the rental market, and the price is £870 pcm. It would be the same price for a non-DSS tenant. End of.


Nothing remotely surprising or untoward. No different from the Council paying for whatever other services or goods it cannot provide or does not own itself.


PS - your leftist (communist?) agenda is so plain to see it's funny (...and I really don't mind lefties, just ask Wildcat :D) but you really are onto a loser with this train of thought I'm afraid.

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Is that the scroungers from the City, or the scroungers from the Inner City?


Do you know who costs the rest of us most?


I dont make any distinction,I dont care if they are low life scum like our welfare lot or those in the city who have screwed us,thay are all the same all on the take and it has to stop.

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the tories should be cutting it to £200 just below the minimum wage...and out of that she should find a nice bedsit for £50 a week and live on the rest...the kids would soon tell her to get her lazy butt out of the door to find work....


The poor girl will never be able to afford her 60" plasma on that pittence of a living .:hihi::hihi:

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That's a whole other argument, and for the record people who take up the NHS's time to have plastic surgery are just as bad as her.


generally speaking plastic surgery is not available on the nhs. it is only available to correct or improve congenital abnormalities or repair injuries.

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generally speaking plastic surgery is not available on the nhs. it is only available to correct or improve congenital abnormalities or repair injuries.


Don’t fool yourself :hihi:


It all depends on how good an actor you are and how gullible your GP is, or maybe it’s just out GP that’s gullible. or maybe I am making it all up or I need an optician and the person I know didn’t have a boob job on the NHS.

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i dont believe anyone should lose child benefit why should someone whos not interested in working get it when someone whos worked for years maybe working up to just over the figures for not receiving it not get it. after all who pays the tax for all the benefits db

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I think the Government are right to stop people earning above £44,000 a year from getting benefits. Its ridiculous. These people are coming out with at least £2,500 a month. In the vast majority of cases, they do not need this money and let's face it the money has got to be saved somewhere

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i dont believe anyone should lose child benefit why should someone whos not interested in working get it when someone whos worked for years maybe working up to just over the figures for not receiving it not get it. after all who pays the tax for all the benefits db


We're being told that we cannot afford to look after our pensioners who in many cases have to sell their homes to pay for their care, most of these have also paid into the system.

If people are receiving £44,000 per anum in wages and receiving child allowance then there is a case of misplaced priorities.

Surely there are more deserving and needy people than anyone who receives £769 pw.

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