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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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This woman gives all single parents on benefits a bad name, they get it gave to them too easy im on benefits and im a single mum but i do want to work. all my money that i get goes on paying bills and for things i really need for my kids

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You may find that acceptable, I don't.



How can the NHS be expected to provide methadone for all the druggies if I have an Aston from them :D.


Anyway, back on topic, do you really believe that a boob job, a 60" plasma, and 2 foreign holidays a year are needs that should be provided for by the benefit system?


Most people don't agree with funding the disfunctional in society, but if you don't try to manage them and their problems some how, they will impact on the rest of society. These people will not go away, so do need to be controlled. Not by vermine culling though lol.

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It was also the main distributer of Labour lies until about a year ago, lets not forget that.


What was the reason the Sun was backing Labour a few years ago?


It's hardly the point though. Murdoch will back anyone who supports his agenda. He backed Labour when their socialist agenda was dropped in favour of Thatcher style monetarism and privatisation policies. He swapped back to his party of first choice when it became obvious Nu Labour was a sinking ship.

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My personal opinion is the popular press likes to escalates such stories, these people are few and far between, it's like actors, there are many of them but only a few get the mega salaries you hear about, but ofcourse the press only focuses on those ones, so we all think being an actor is a glamourised lifestyle, when the truth is for every one mega rich actor there are thousands on the breadline, the same with benefits, there are many struggling to make ends meet, but people are quick to laddle them as lazy, incompetent or a benefit scrounger, the same as those who are rich but on benefits, but when caught, everyone on benefits is suddenly tarnished with the same brush (you have to wonder if this is not some political ploy by the Con-LibDem coalition to get publicity for their hard choices), while the truth is a little more complicated than that

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This woman gives all single parents on benefits a bad name, they get it gave to them too easy im on benefits and im a single mum but i do want to work. all my money that i get goes on paying bills and for things i really need for my kids

Of course there are going to be single parents there always has been and always will.

Some women make a carreer out of having children so that they don't have to go out and work.

These people get to know the system because they make a carreer out of knowing the system.

It is these people who get genuine needy a bad name, but it is usualy the genuine needy who don't know the system who lose out because the DSS do not volunteer information they claim that it is your place to find out for yourself what you're entitled to.

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the tories should be cutting it to £200 just below the minimum wage...and out of that she should find a nice bedsit for £50 a week and live on the rest...the kids would soon tell her to get her lazy butt out of the door to find work....


Yes, I'm certain that there are large numbers of employers desperate to employ a thirty-something single mum of five children who has never worked in her life.

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