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Parasites like these make everyone else suffer

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We are still waiting for you to explain how Kelly Marshall legally claiming benefits for her family has made you suffer. Or anybody else.


How does it make us suffer?!

Well, appart from those two stories making the blood boil to life threatening levels, if you haven't noticed the country is in a little bit of a mess at the moment. People are having to tighten their purse strings, make cut backs etc. If these bunch of scroungers supported themselves, that'd be nearly 60k to pump into the country alone.

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Magilla, we get nowhere with such uninformative posts as yours on a discussion forum. Are you merely attempting to increase your post count?


Unlike you , no. I'm merely stating what is obvious. That you are unable to comprehend the obvious is... obvious ;)


Do you really need the concept under discussion explaining to you? I appreciate you confuse easily, but it seems pointless if once it has been explained, you just avoid the response entirely and repeat the same question.


You seem to be rather prone to ignoring responses that decimate your point of view, so that you can again re-itterate your broken point of view.

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Well, I was actually referring to other benefit claimants who don't abuse the system rather than me, unless you can find where I actually said I'm suffering?


Your thread title claims "Parasites like these make everyone else suffer". I included you in the everyone else bracket.



Now a responsible government has been elected, they are needing to claim back that money. They will do this (among other things) by raising VAT, raising taxes and cutting jobs. This will directly affect me and hundreds of thousands of other people who have never had to claim from the state.


Is that good enough?


No, not quite.


So, according to you, Kelly Marshall and the unemployed are responsible for the credit crunch and the recession? It was nothing to do with the bankers and the stock brokers? No banks had to be bailed out with public funds?


It seems it was Kelly Marshall's boob job that finally did it for the global economy - not the financial speculators who gambled with money they did not have.

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This bit gets me :rant:


me too. Makes me so bloody cross that I work my ass off to get the things that I want in life and I would be better off on the dole but I have my pride and i chose to work.





PS......Nice tattoos btw :D - look really good

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