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Where to go for halal works Xmas do?


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Hi all,


I want to plan a Christmas meal this year for my office - I'd say about 90% of the folks here are Muslim, so does anyone have any suggestions as to where we could go that would serve halal? I guess it's not really important to have traditional Christmas fare (although turkey n trimmmings would be nice!), I'd just like us all to go out for a meal.....would perhaps a curry joint be best? Somewhere near the city centre would we good, as we work at the University. Bit early for christmas stuff I know....! Thanks!




facebook the bohemain! :)

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Muslims aren't allowed to celebrate xmas!!!!

Try telling my husband that - he loves it!

We share our celebrations with food, gifts etc - his Kurban Byram and my xmas - sorted!


Kurban Byram? Is that an Asian poet? :hihi:

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Muslims aren't allowed to celebrate xmas!!!!

Try telling my husband that - he loves it!

We share our celebrations with food, gifts etc - his Kurban Byram and my xmas - sorted!


Thats absolute quality Zilly!!! Love it!


I take it your husband is Turkish then?

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Thanks guys for the useful suggestions - and no, I'm not kosher and perfectly aware that 'Muslims don't celebrate Christmas'...it's really more of a social meal out at a time of year when everyone else is going on 'works do's' and I will not be denied this year, just because I moved to a new job where it hasn't been done before...!

In any case, I've yet to meet anyone who wouldn't rather be out having a nice meal with workmates than actually be at work (a bit of a skive always goes down well) - regardless of religion...;)

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I always see loads of signs up in the halal butchers around Page Hall in december advertising the fact that they are selling halal turkeys so obviously people do get into the spirit in one way or another. The idea about picking a restaurant then asking if they will do you a halal turkey is a good idea IMO.

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Like others on here, it's hard to tell if the OP is just trying to start a flamewar, or is just silly enough to not realise that if it's an Xmas party then catering for muslims is a non sequitur.


Besides which, as we all know, it was a celebration stolen from much older traditions........all hail Santa :)

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Try working backwards - pick places you would like to go (for the right atmosphere etc), then phone them & ask if they would cater for Halal. I would expect that most places would.


No-one will be able to have pigs in blankets though! :(


The perfect answer. If a large party is going to a venue, they will cover it if they have any business sense.

It's easy anyway. Loads of halal butchers in Sheff area for the meat and all they have to do after that is not have any pork products around and cook in veg oils.

The rest is veggie anyway so no ptobs.

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