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How would you prepare?

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Just an observation, but Scotland seems to be a very popular destination to flee to in times of panic, and a popular place to flee from in normal times!


When word gets around of our impending doooooom I think it may be safer to stay put in good old Sheffield than to compete with the hoards of panic stricken 'southerners' heading north.


I intend to protect myself by locking all doors :D and windows, upgrading my antivirus software to Norton 2011, doing all my shopping online, putting my pet hamster on steroids so that we will be self-sufficient for electricity, and enrolling myself on an Open University course ("Everything you wanted to know about Zombies - but were afraid to ask!").


I will then single-handedly use my 'Yorkshire grit and determination' to reason with the chief Zombie and make him/her see the error of their ways! My objective would be for him/her to round up all his/her Zombie mates and for them all to board a ferry to the Isle of Wight where they may 'live' a short and miserable existence.


Take care out there!

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Have none of you read World War Z? Zombies can walk to islands, don't you know :rolleyes:


£5m? A big sailing trawler-type yacht with aluminium hull, all the canned/dried food it can contain, a decent amount of firepower and ammo, fishing gear, comms/sat gear, desalination gear, rain recycling vats, spare 12V batteries, entertainment (terrabytes of movies, music, games and e-books).


Then wait at high sea for the outbreak to exhaust, somewhere nice but not-too-tropical, away from regular shipping channels and hurricane paths.


A great book but the author's other work would come in more handy: The Zombie Survival Guide. Brooks postulates that the safest place to flee to is, in fact, an abandoned maximum security prison (if you can gain access). If you can cultivate your own crops there it has everthing- beds, a gym, a library, massive walls, weapons etc. The places are built to keep people out.


Therefore if I had £5M I'd look to invest in a decommissioned maximum security prision, add some land to grow crops and use the rest of the money to stock up on dehydrated / tinned foods and drinking water.

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From the OP: "The effects of this weapon will take four weeks before it is widespread in Sheffield, and another four weeks before the effects start. Thus allowing the infected to unwittingly seed themselves throughout the UK and beyond."


If it escaped in London, then - although it might take 4 weeks to get to Sheffield (I knew the trains were slow ... but really? That slow?) In 4 weeks it would probably have spread most of the way around the world. If the incubation period was 4 weeks one infected person would probably cause infections in millions of others.



This zombie virus is not as infectious as flu, it spreads at quite a low rate, but not low enough to fizzle out. Look at AIDS - the infection rate is extremely low but has still infected millions of people.


The point is that you have 4 weeks to prepare before you have to escape from the general population, using that time to buy whatever resources you need to survive.

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