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Mininmum age For Buying Energy Drinks?

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Is there a legal minimum age you have to be before you can buy energy drinks?

My daughter, age 15, was stopped from buying a generic brand of energy drink in a certain budget goods shop, Pound Universe or something like that.

According to the till staff you have to be at least 16 before they'll sell them to you.

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Google it you may be surprised ……….. I was anyway.



“A lot of the shops are already great, and in the shop I work at, we don’t serve these cans to anyone we think is under 16. But some don’t have this standard, so kids are able to get hold of these drinks, which rot their teeth and their insides.”


Currently, some energy drinks require a warning on the product stating that it is not suitable for children, pregnant women or people affected by caffeine, but there are no legal minimum ages.

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I'm torn about how to feel about it really.

On one hand I don't like her having these drinks, but on the other it was her own money, she's her own person and should be allowed to make her own decisions as to what she can do within the law.

I've told her she shouldn't need "energy drinks" and why, but it's up to her.

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... it was her own money, she's her own person and should be allowed to make her own decisions as to what she can do within the law.



I agree with that, but do you not also accept that the shop should be allowed to make its own decisions?


I assume they're worried about lawsuits from angry parents, given that guidance does suggest children should not be drinking these things.

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