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The latest Kay Burley atrocity

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You can't expect everyone else to judge you by your own standard.:D





You just did you strange person.


You jumped into a thread moaning and whining about personal attacks, at the same time as making a personal attack.


Like I said.



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Heckles rising........jeeeez, another one to go on my list of overpaid, under-educated/informed, patronising, condescending, and just plain bloody annoying female T.V reporters/ presenters


Kay Burley

Christine Bleakley

Christine's doppleganger Alex Jones

Lorraine Kelly ( really can't stand the way she just huh, huh's with an inane grin on her face all the way thro' an interview )


Please feel free to add more....


And if anyone says 'Don't watch 'em then etc, etc..' You can't bloody avoid em, the nausea inducing bunch of cretinous waste of oxygen.


Oooo, that feels better...:)

Take a chill pill!

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You just did you strange person.

You jumped into a thread moaning and whining about personal attacks, at the same time as making a personal attack.

Like I said. Hypocrite.

I don't judge you by your own standard which you obviously feel you meet. I judge you by mine, and find you wanting! How is that hypocritical? It's not that hard to grasp, surely?


I didn't moan about personal attacks, I was just making fun of you :)

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http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypocrite Someone who barges into a thread moaning about childish insults, at the same time as making childish insults.
So you admit you were being childish by making up a stupid name about some random politician.


And I was only messing, if you want to be insulted, you should see what they say about you on FB.

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The hatchet-faced harridan's history of howlers:





The amazing story of Kay Burley’s on-air absurdities continues!


Back in May, after her astonishing attack on a voting reform campaigner during an interview, Iain M Hepburn documented a list of the presenter’s total screw-ups.


They demand to be read, which they can be, here.


This lady - who was forced to apologise on-air after describing an Ash Wednesday cross on Joe Biden’s head as a “large bruise”, who once said “the entire eastern seaboard of the United States has been decimated by a terrorist attack”, and who really, really did say to the wife of Ipswich ripper Steve Wright “do you think, if you’d had a better sex life, he wouldn’t have done this?” - nearly surpassed herself when, a few weeks ago, she interviewed Chris Bryant MP equipped with an exceptional degree of ignorance.


Bryant was very polite in telling her, on air, that she was a bit dim. The accusation was justified, as you’ll see from the clip here.


Bryant wrote about the episode for The Independent, here.


But I think the Sky anchor has surpassed herself, if not in ignorance, then in her disgustingly patronising tone when talking to Tory hero Harry Beckhough after he was introduced at their conference.


Guido has produced a transcript of a key section here.


But I really do insist you listen to the whole chat, which can be found here.


If you are not shocked at her tone of voice in speaking to a man born in 1914 – she thinks it charming, for example, to remind him he didn’t have 24-hr news in his day – then I’m surprised.


Maybe, instead, you’ll be shocked to discover that she genuinely does appear to think that “Stafford Cripps” was the name of a regiment in which he fought.


Almost beyond parody, and having got the date of his birth muddled, she asks:


KB “You fought for the Stafford… Cripps, was it?”


HB “I didn’t fight for him, I fought against him”


KB “Did you…?”


The last of those words are uttered in the tone of a middle-aged mother appeasing a difficult toddler.


The best bit comes at the end, where she says: “I wonder, what it’s like being interviewed on live telly. You ever had that happen to you before?”. And he says “Yes”, explains where he’s been interviewed, and then she congratulates him on having been interviewed on Sky specifically.


Forget that it’s shockingly bad journalism.


Even those who propagandize on behalf of her organisation should have the decency to admit: it is rude, from first second to last.

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if you want to be insulted, you should see what they say about you on FB.


Only idiots use Facebook, I'm not on there, and your behaviour is getting increasingly erratic.


What, exactly, are you hoping to achieve with this shrill attention-seeking?

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