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Who Admits To Being A Tory?

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Somewhat incorrect.


In worst-affected areas (e.g. Wales, Sheffield), Labour ramped up the transformation of manufacturing-/mining-based local economies into services-based local economies, with an over-inflation of the local public sector. Incidentally, quite handy for preserving/fostering the 'traditional' local votes.


Exactly what France did since the mid-80s. Same symptoms, same cure, same relapse.


Very much an ostrich policy, which is going to backfire badly, shortly, everywhere. It's started in Greece and Ireland, in case noone noticed.


My Bold, Exactly. They created a plethora of non-jobs, paid for by borrowing money that the country couldn't afford. Jobs which are slowly being outsourced to cheaper geographies.

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Especially as EU regulations on emissions become even stricter. This is why foreign coal was used as opposed to UK - it contains less sulphur.


And many power stations have already been converted from coal to gas.


But this argument is lost on the Lefties. They just see the real reason as spiteful Thatcher being nasty to the poor workers :rolleyes:



Wrong - in Thatchers time, they didn't give a fig about the emissions - they changed because foreign coal was cheaper (then) and it gave them the excuse to destroy the miners.


Gas will have proved to be a bad choice once it's priced out of our reach and it's heading that way now. It would have been a good choice if the North Sea gas fields had been ten times the size.


Spiteful Thatcher WAS nasty to the poor workers, the ones who's skills & efforts made this country great. If she had been in power before the second world war, all Hitler would have needed to do was stop the gas & Oil and we would have been finished. Russia uses these tactics now to make it's neighbours toe the line.


Our own fuel supply is as important as our own defence strategy. We have had too many governments taking a short term view of everything.

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