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Who Admits To Being A Tory?

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Well it would be no good only knowing the saleries of only Tory supporting forummers, to make any comparison you'd have to know the saleries of the Labour and Lib Dem and BNP supporting forummers plus any others.




The point wasn't to make a comparison though. FWIW, I'm sure that there are rich and poor on both sides of the argument.


Perhaps you should contact a Labour voter who pays higher rate tax and ask them why. It might surprise you.

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But you said everybody. No room for interpretaion there mj.


Wednesday might know the salaries of many on here. I do, because I know quite a few people in real life. I know others from their posts, so I've a reasonable estimate of their income.


It is a fair thing to say that many of the Tories on here are on relatively low incomes. I share Wednesday's confusion about the reasoins why.


I'm from a family of low paid, working class, Tory voters. I still don't get it.


Is that not about your own issues rather than theirs? Many, many people are able to arrive at their own conclusions about what they believe in and what (if any) group represents their views. They might look beyond their family history, their wealth or what they personally get out of something to have a well rounded empirical opinion that may just happen to differ from yours.

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Is that not about your own issues rather than theirs? Many, many people are able to arrive at their own conclusions about what they believe in and what (if any) group represents their views. They might look beyond their family history, their wealth or what they personally get out of something to have a well rounded empirical opinion that may just happen to differ from yours.


Certainly, Tony. That is what I've done. I guess that I'm not alone.


I was simply saying that despite being brought up in a very Tory, very working class extended family, I really don't understand why my parents and grandparents voted as they did. I don't see what the conservatives have to offer the lower paid members of society.

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I wonder if that's he mugshot on his avatar? Possibly explains a few things!


He ought to shave that bum fluff off, or stand in a strong draught and let the wind blow it off, and the other one looks like a dontnowhat.

It seems amazing that people of that ilk are allowed to vote, never mind claim to be representatives of political parties.


They have as much political nous as next doors cat.

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Is that not about your own issues rather than theirs? Many, many people are able to arrive at their own conclusions about what they believe in and what (if any) group represents their views. They might look beyond their family history, their wealth or what they personally get out of something to have a well rounded empirical opinion that may just happen to differ from yours.


or then again they may belong to a political party, that by its actions shortly after the last GE has put this country in the worst situation we have been in since the 80's.


The tories and the libdems should hide away from decent people.

They are not fit to be seen.

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