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Who Admits To Being A Tory?

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Did you watch Question Time? If you didn't you better had. A cross section of ordinary people roasted Warsi, one of the cream of the Tory crop. I was surprised at their reaction to her.


I agree with your last sentence in that people having multiple kids with zero cash and just expecting Auntie State to pay for it all is clearly wrong.


So why are you complaining? You agree with people with zero cash having the cuts yet cutting the better off too is their downfall? That doesn't make sense.

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You're not reading. I never said I was a Tory.


The miner's strike was before I was born, it hasn't affected me. I wish people would stop harping on about it. It was 36 years ago and we hardly use coal any more.


Harping on? It was the most seismic shift to hit this nation since the war, the young men it damaged are only middle aged now. It's like telling forty something war veterans in the early 1970's to shut up. I also think they are talking about the 84-85 strike as the ones before were short and relatively simple.

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So why are you complaining? You agree with people with zero cash having the cuts yet cutting the better off too is their downfall? That doesn't make sense.


I'm not complaining, I am enjoying seeing the Tories fall to bits during their first conference.


I hate extremists of any class e.g. underclass wasters, the descendents of gin alley who produce multiple kids at workers expense. I also hate the golf club funny handshake brigade who hide money made in this country in tax havens with 'creative accountancy' and live off unearned wealth and privilege.

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Please go on.


Bailing out banks that they de-regulated. I haven't had anything on credit so and don't have a mortgage so why should I help the banks out, I didn't take part in the whole credit game.


Giving my money to people who want to stay at home and just breed. I would prefer it went to help someone who is helping themselves.


Removing government influence over every aspect of our lives. Even the amount of pointless road signs out there seems to have increased under labour, I know that corner I'm going round is a bend. ;)


At the end of it all parties will have bits I like and dislike but ultimately it's what they do with my money that matters and Labour, who I once liked, messed up royally.

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You're confused that was Scargill.


Scargill was unpaid during the strike and long after since an unelected solicitor took control of the NUM's cash. Scargill's pay was decided every year at a conference and reflected the rate for running a 200,000 man organisation or did you expect him to be on a tiny salary to make some sixth form point?

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Bailing out banks that they de-regulated. I haven't had anything on credit so and don't have a mortgage so why should I help the banks out, I didn't take part in the whole credit game.


Thatcher de regulated the banks. Had New Labour re regulated them people would have torn their hair out screaming 'loony left'. All the banks irresponsibility is the fault of Tories and those who voted for them. No ifs or buts.

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Harping on? It was the most seismic shift to hit this nation since the war, the young men it damaged are only middle aged now. It's like telling forty something war veterans in the early 1970's to shut up. I also think they are talking about the 84-85 strike as the ones before were short and relatively simple.


I was talking about the 84-85 strike. It was a big event, I agree but anybody who is still suffering the effects after 25 years (Realised I added 10 years on, my apologies) clearly doesn't want to move on. Yes I'm aware that it hurt communities but do you think throwing money at the local dossers has helped communities? I most certainly don't. Labour have created the benefit lifestyle under class. That's done the most harm in my lifetime.

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