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Who Admits To Being A Tory?

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It's difficult to think of the bunch in power now as 'old school' Tories ....who never did 'fair'. The worrying thing is they're showing signs of being as economically incompetent as the last lot of gravy-trainers.


They certainly have some work to do. It looks in large part to be a symptom of the depth of the crisis that they inherited over but that's no excuse. Neither is surrounding yourself with special advisers and focus groups that have agendas rather than backbones and clarity.


Interesting times.

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If we take a sensible definition of "poverty," such as not being able to afford shelter, food and clothing, you'll find that the number below that line was zero in 1979, still zero and 1997 and still zero today.


If we're talking about a scale of relative poverty, then experience across a wide range of economies shows that the more people are below it, the better the country will be doing.


OK well I am talking about government definitions collated by the then DHSS. Your sensible definition is neither sensible nor held by many people so let's forget about that. As for relative that's open to debate but tends to revolve around peoples ability to participate in normal life. Yes the country was doing economically vey well under the Tories most of the time. Morally and humanely it was disastrous.

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Indeed, and greatly for the better. It's only a shame that the policies of the early 80s hadn't been pushed through in the early 50s, when they would have caused minimal pain; or the early 60s with pain; or the early 70s with considerably pain. Every time anyone tried they were forced to recant, until the early 80s - by which time it took agonising pain to put the country straight.


And even 25 years later there are STILL people who think the doctor is to blame because the medicine tastes bad.


With views like yours shouldn't your name be 'Heading South'? I hear Buckinghamshire will be very welcoming to you.

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Remind me again, Grinder.


Why did we stop digging COAL out of the ground?


Did we run out of COAL?


Did we run out of skilled people capable of digging COAL out of the ground?


Did the government ban COAL?


Or did KING COAL say "You have to do it on MY terms and if you don't - you can't have any."?


He lost. And he cost a lot of people their jobs. The Nation didn't elect Arthur Scargill (and I doubt that the NUM would've made him 'president for life' had they been given an informed vote.)


The person who killed coal (and cost many people their livelihoods) was Scargill. - He wasn't a 'hero '- he was a <REMOVED>.


I suggest you move to Buckinghamshire too.


If an extremist government is determined to close an industry at any cost then the actions to stop that can't be said to have killed coal. The state enquiry independently decided the miners arguments on their pay were correct in the early 70's and that should have been the end of it. The referee had spoken. There was calm for ten years with Scargill even telling wildcat strikers to go back to work in 81 and being labelled a 'sellout' by some. But along came Thatcher bent on revenge. Ignoring arguments about the cost of oil burning or the risk of nuclear she wiped out an industry. The miners in 84 didn't even want a pay rise.


As for Scargills election, 70% of his constituency voted for him on a high turnout which is more than can be said for any government or most MP's ever and that 70% did read the manifestos. Nor did he become president for life, he retired early in 02 and stayed on as a part time honorary adviser. He also resigned in late 87 and was re elected in January 88 after a strong challenge from John Walsh.

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If we take a sensible definition of "poverty," such as not being able to afford shelter, food and clothing, you'll find that the number below that line was zero in 1979, still zero and 1997 and still zero today.


If we're talking about a scale of relative poverty, then experience across a wide range of economies shows that the more people are below it, the better the country will be doing.


Poverty now is if your benefits can't buy you a 60" telly and a games console for each of the brood :|

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Sorry if this thread being done before. Needs to be done again LOL! But who, is a genuine Tory on the SF? And I mean a hardcore TORY.


Reckon I could do with some banter . . . . .


There's a good number of Tories on this forum, although Sheffield being Sheffield they may be much more open about being Conservative on here then out there in real life.


Personally, I don't like any political party and I'm not a fan of right wing ideology anyway.

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Did you watch Question Time? If you didn't you better had. A cross section of ordinary people roasted Warsi, one of the cream of the Tory crop. I was surprised at their reaction to her.


Baroness Warsi seems to be the equivalent of Labour's Hazel Blears.

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The miner's strike was before I was born, it hasn't affected me. I wish people would stop harping on about it. It was 36 years ago and we hardly use coal any more.


Well said. We could also go on to mention that foreign coal was preferred to UK coal because of its lower sulphur content, but that's conveniently ignored by some.

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Tory's are lower than snakes bellies. I would be ashamed to have ever supported them. They are vermin. The only one worse than a Tory is Nick Clegg, but I think his electorate will sort him out next time. You may as well vote for the BNP nutters as vote Tory, they are intelectually on the same level, not happy unless they are persecuting or inflicting misery on some poor sod who can't defend him/her self. With luck, when they are chucked out they will take the toadying Liberals with them.


Best post of the day.


Agreed, certainly made me laugh at the level of ignorance in it!

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