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Who Admits To Being A Tory?

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Remind me again, Grinder.


Why did we stop digging COAL out of the ground?


Did we run out of COAL?


Did we run out of skilled people capable of digging COAL out of the ground?


Did the government ban COAL?


Or did KING COAL say "You have to do it on MY terms and if you don't - you can't have any."?


He lost. And he cost a lot of people their jobs. The Nation didn't elect Arthur Scargill (and I doubt that the NUM would've made him 'president for life' had they been given an informed vote.)


The person who killed coal (and cost many people their livelihoods) was Scargill. - He wasn't a 'hero '- he was a <REMOVED>.


Great post , spot on .

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Well, given the adage: "If you're young and you're not a Liberal, you haven't a heart. - And if your old and you're not a Conservative, you haven't a brain." How would you describe those of any age who vote Labour?
There are many adjectives I can think of, none of them complimentary - when people tell me they vote Labour I know thereafter to treat them as I would a child with learning difficulties.
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I think for a period following the Major government, it simply wasn't the "cool" thing to be a Tory and people wouldn't admit being Tory even if that's what they were for fear of being lampooned. Now we have a new generation of Tory supports who need not feel any shame, especially after the damage Labour has done. Many people are waking up to the fact that it takes Tories to sort out Labour's mess, they are the ones that have to make the tough decisions to put things right which makes them unpopular, then Labour get elected again and get us into another fine mess and it starts over. That is the way of things.

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I think for a period following the Major government, it simply wasn't the "cool" thing to be a Tory and people wouldn't admit being Tory even if that's what they were for fear of being lampooned. Now we have a new generation of Tory supports who need not feel any shame, especially after the damage Labour has done. Many people are waking up to the fact that it takes Tories to sort out Labour's mess, they are the ones that have to make the tough decisions to put things right which makes them unpopular, then Labour get elected again and get us into another fine and it starts over. That is the way of things.
And it has every time Labour has been in power.


A quick flick through the history book pages shows each Labour government to have done the same - tax, spend, and spend more, leaving a financially broken country for the Tories to fix, inevitably with unpopular measures required.


Labour come back, and buy simple-minded voters' loyalty with spend, spend, spend and punish those with talent policies, much as one might impress primitive tribesmen with plastic beads.

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There are many adjectives I can think of, none of them complimentary - when people tell me they vote Labour I know thereafter to treat them as I would a child with learning difficulties.




We really shouldn`t mock the inflicted. Most Labour voters are still coming to terms with the fact that their comfy Beneift led lifestyle is about to change , and maybe , god forbid , they might have to get off their backsides and get a job to pay for their 60"plasma`s and crates of Stella.:o:o


Labours policy of "Benefits for all " has created a work shy class in this country who are now in for a big shock as they will have to get out of their pits and work.


But the biggest shock to their system will be knowing that they wont be able to lay around in their boxer shorts watching Jeremy Kyle .:hihi::hihi:

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We really shouldn`t mock the inflicted. Most Labour voters are still coming to terms with the fact that their comfy Beneift led lifestyle is about to change , and maybe , god forbid , they might have to get off their backsides and get a job to pay for their 60"plasma`s and crates of Stella.:o:o


Labours policy of "Benefits for all " has created a work shy class in this country who are now in for a big shock as they will have to get out of their pits and work.


But the biggest shock to their system will be knowing that they wont be able to lay around in their boxer shorts watching Jeremy Kyle .:hihi::hihi:


Most layabouts know not to get out of bed until after Jeremy Kyle. Since Loose Women started it's best to wait until Countdown time to get out of your pit.

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Well I have to admit that I've never voted Tory in my life. However the current mob seem to be doing quite a good job of 'grasing the nettle', and I'd quite happily vote them in again.


Labour used to be the party for the working man; they now seem to be the party for the 'don't want to work single mother and 19 gazillion kids'.


As a teenager during the miners strike, I grew up in a mining village; many of my relatives were miners. I have to admit that Thatcher did destroy the mining / steel industries, and that led to a (until now) lifelong distrust of the Tory party. We can't dwell on the past though, we have to move on and look at what this country needs now and for the future. I have to admit that in my opinion that is what we've got with the current Government.


We need to put an end to the benefit underclass, we need to stop encouraging people to breed for government handouts. We need to promote enterprise and hard work.


As a high rate tax payer I have no problem giving up my Child benefit payments, or even paying 50% tax; providing it is used to benefit those in genuine need. Wanting a 60" plasma or a 36DD hooters is not need; it's greed.



I'm a socialist at heart, unfortunately nuLabore lost it's way; forgetting that it needs to look after the working man, and instead buying the votes of the underclass with free laptops, etc.

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Great point Convert.


Is it any wonder that areas of high unemployment are Labour heartlands ?


Well , the voters in those areas arnt going to bite the hand that feeds them , and feeds them very well are they ?


Until now that is .


Big changes are coming for the workshy layabouts in this country, and they arnt going to like them . Tough.


Im a lifelong tory voter ,and this new government , as you rightly point out , have grasped the nettle , and those who have enjoyed the handout lifestyle for many years under Labour ,are about to get a rude awakening.


Im happy for my taxes to help those who are genuinely in need , but NOT 17 year old Chelsea and her 6 kids or shell suit boy wandering about all day with his can of stella and his staffy.

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