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US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as tro

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If found guilty they should be excuted by firing squad. There are far too many numpties in the US army, that wouldn't be out of place in the film Deliverance. This is not a snipe at the entire US military, but guys like these ruin everything that good soldiers have achieved, how they sneak into the service in the first place, is an issue in itself.


Agreed!.. typical rednecks.

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Yes, he is - he is saying that since the taliban do it, it is apparently ok for the US military to do it. If the taliban are terrorists, then so are the people that do the same as them.


No, I think Mecky was pointing out the habit by certain posters to only condemn atrocities committed by *the other side*, but stay silent or actually even defend actions committed by those they identify with. There's a lot of it about on all fronts.


The OP has openly endorsed Islamist propaganda on SF before, like many of his cohorts he doesn't seem to have a problem with Taliban behaviour and has been openly bigoted against the West. The actions of the soldiers are despicable, as are so many elements of the shameful Bush and Blair legacy, but when condemnation comes from quarters who have endorsed theocratic dictatorship I think it's safe to say the sentiment doesn't stem from a humanitarian impulse but a politically partisan one.

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I missed that before:


If you are a trained killer, you do not do this sort of thing, because of your training.



We are hunters by nature. Teach a hunter to hunt more effectivly then they will. The social constraints put on us by society dont mean a thing if you got that wild thing.

Sad but true.

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..I think the salient point is that the US servicemen are alleged to have murdered these civilians quite deliberately for sport.



i think when you see your mates get blown to bits...every afghan becomes a target for their comrades...fact of life...happens in all wars....the yanks just like shooting people...

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We are hunters by nature. Teach a hunter to hunt more effectivly then they will. The social constraints put on us by society dont mean a thing if you got that wild thing.

Sad but true.


I agree in part, supposedly civilised communities can very quickly unravel when the social constraints that moderate them are taken away, the events that led to the break up of Yugoslavia demonstrate that.


Soldiers in a battle zone are no more immune from that then the rest of us, however that's one of the reasons their training is so disciplined and the chain of command demarcated-they know what they're supposed to do and who they are answerable to.


The kind of activities outlined in the OP are not typical of soldiers, the vast majority of whom act professionally and within the law, it's the psychotic elements who murder and would probably do so even if they hadn't joined the army.

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