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Is it time we gave the miners thing a rest?

Is it time we gave the miners thing a rest?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it time we gave the miners thing a rest?

    • Yes, it was a long time ago and has no relevence today.
    • No, we should never forget.
    • Don't care.

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That is the very point ruby, the miners wernt holding us to ransom.

They were begging to be allowed to continue to work, and win energy, in the form of coal.

It was Thatcher who was the killer.

Engineering, steel making, mining, ship building.

Anywhere that working men were powerful, she destroyed, until all we left with are bloated incompetent bankers, living high on the hog of our hard earned taxes, and a few check out people and call centre workers.


When men such as myself retire in a couple of years, the last of the true engineers will have gone also.


ETA: The thing I do blame the last Tory government for was selling off the national industries, that was a bad move. But I blame landslide Labour even more for not taking them back again. We all expected them to and they had the power at the time. I think the reason they didn't was because they and their cronies were beneficiaries of it themselves.


She got her way, but at what a price.

I don't agree, there was nothing to stop companies and individuals training up apprentices, except that they didn't think they needed them or it was cheaper for them to import them from other countries. The same way that owners of companies sold them for a mess of pottage to foreign companies to feather their own nests. You can't blame everything on the politicians is what I'm saying. People have to take some responsibility for themselves at some point.


I suppose in the end it all boils down to individual characters. Some people would prefer to be looked after from cradle to grave in a communist state and some of us would rather die in poverty than be locked into that sort of world.


The thing I do blame the last Tory Government for was selling off the national industries, that was a really bad idea. But I blame Labour more for not taking them back when they had the power. We all expected them to, why didn't they? Because they and their cronies benefited from the sell off just as much as the Tories did, imo.

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Well, mine certainly did, I do know that and I like to think I've followed in their footsteps.


You're limiting yourself by constantly dwelling on things that happened years ago. Bitterness is like a corrosive or a debilitating illness. It grinds you down eventually. There have been cuts before and there will be again and resourceful people get through them. I've been around a long time and I've lived through booms and bust and high interest rates, strikes, winters of discontent and the rest, and I've scraped through. Sometimes by the skin of my teeth, but I managed it somehow.


Sitting around bemoaning your lot and trying to blame a single person for it, year in, year out. What does it gain you? :huh: If I had to choose between Thatcher and Blair/Brown, I'd choose her everytime. At least she had the courage of her convictions and wasn't a twofaced charlatan, liar and incompetent buffoon.


Talk about rose coloured spectacles!

She was all of those things, why do think the country is in the mess it is now.

The destruction she did is irreperable, totally.

Admit it, is she is evil incarnate.

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Well, mine certainly did, I do know that and I like to think I've followed in their footsteps.


You're limiting yourself by constantly dwelling on things that happened years ago. Bitterness is like a corrosive or a debilitating illness. It grinds you down eventually. There have been cuts before and there will be again and resourceful people get through them. I've been around a long time and I've lived through booms and bust and high interest rates, strikes, winters of discontent and the rest, and I've scraped through. Sometimes by the skin of my teeth, but I managed it somehow.


Sitting around bemoaning your lot and trying to blame a single person for it, year in, year out. What does it gain you? :huh: If I had to choose between Thatcher and Blair/Brown, I'd choose her everytime. At least she had the courage of her convictions and wasn't a twofaced charlatan, liar and incompetent buffoon.


So did Hitler!!!!!!!! :rant::rant::rant:



(Do I win a prize or has this been mentioned previously? :D)

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So did Hitler!!!!!!!! :rant::rant::rant:



(Do I win a prize or has this been mentioned previously? :D)


Hitler did less damage.

He left us with a united nation, badly hurt but under a great leader, and even better ones to come, so we survived.


Thatcher was much more precise.

She destroyed the entire infrastructure, as surely as destroying an ants nest by pouring poison on it.

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And this is to do with the miners thing, exactly how? :confused::rolleyes:


btw, who is Nasty Nick Ruby? Any relation to the guy who shot Lee Harvey Oswald? or was he the guy on Big Brother? :huh:


Has Nasty Nick changed his surname to Ruby? Must admit the Ruberons sound much better than the Cleggerons or Cameleggs.


Must say, I'm surprised, I'd have thought Sapphire would have been more appropriate.

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A lot of communities have been built for and by industry. The cotton mills in Lancashire for one. You don't hear people over there stating that the crime rates are because the mill was closed.


I have seen unemployment and poverty in my own family but I haven't constantly going on about it ever since. I did what I could to get myself out of the situation I was in. I know my lifestyle isn't the best in the world but that just drives me to try harder.


Sometimes it just seems that after the mines were closed, rather than these "hardworking" men adapting and helping each other along they just gave up and blamed everythig on Maggie.


Like Agent Orange has said, he will never forget. Perhaps you should also never forget that these thousands of men who collectively got together to strike also collectively got together tho whine and draw themselves further into depression.

The difference is that the mining dispute was not caused by economic reasons but was an attack to avenge Heaths defeat. Pure vengeance.Nothing else. The mining industry was admittedly in decline but thatcher used the power of the state to destroy the mines and the men who worked them.

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...Personally I think worse things have happened since and we should just get on with life and stop bringing the miners strike as if it was the holocaust or something. What do you think?


I think I'll stop referring to the miners' strike when folk stop talking about the 1966 World Cup final as though it were yesterday.

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