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Baroness Warsi, Tory Chairwoman

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Well you must have had an early night if you had to watch it today. No supper either? :hihi:


No, I went to bed early as I had to be up for work, at 5am.

To get to work to keep the NHS running.

You know all us lazy skivers, who work when you are still having wet dreams about maggie?

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She was rubbish when interviewed at the Tory conference last week after stating in a national publication that the tories would have won the election if it hadn't been for electoral fraud in 3 constituencies. She was asked time and time again to name the constituencies, she refused. She was asked if she'd brought this fraud to the attention of the police, she said she hadn't..she backtracked, blustered and prevaricated her way through the entire interview.

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I'd never seen her perform before, but I thought she was impressive enough and can see why she rose high in the Tory party. That's not to say I like her ideas, just that I think she's a very competent politician.


But I couldn't help thinking she would fit in very well in Coronation Street and can imagine her holding forth in the Rovers Return.

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I thought she struggled with some questions, but then was composed on other questions and did well. What made me smile, was how often charles clarke kept saying "i voted against that labour policy". I liked the guy on the far left......Max mosley came across as 2 faced, considering his background.

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I like Baroness Warsi. I thought she did very well on QT.


I agree. I agreed with her about people being [almost] forced into benefits because there is no reason to work, for too many. And I agree [loosely], with everything she said.


Whos side is Dimblebey on? Same everytime on that programme? An audience of lefties? I thought she did well.

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Why did the woman in yellow (front row) get an applause when she said, it's the governments responsibility to educate children, and the governments responsibility to do it right, and not parents responsibility to pull together to assist in it? ... no it isn't. The people that clapped are brainwashed lefties, who don't even realise what they are clapping.


This is what's wrong with society. 'It's always someone elses responsibility'.


Benefits and over protection started this.

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