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Use of "white noise" to mask neighbours stereo/TV

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I have noticed when we put the fan on it helps drown out the noise, but that`s not appropriate in the winter ( ! ) so wondered if we could get a CD with white noise on it to work in a similar way.

Don`t get me wrong, there`s no way we should have to do all this, but I don`t really see any other way out of it. It isn`t huge decibels, so Environmental Health probably wouldn`t be interested, but it is affecting us, me in particulary when I`m trying to bleedin` concentrate !


I know what your going through justin ,but I'm a afraid I can't lend you my 12 bore shotgun to splatter is brains out on the wall cos I'm over in oz at the moment, but if you can what till late nov I'll try and get you some fragment grenades in through customs.In oz I 've had noisey neigbhours i ring the police they shutup, 30 minutes later started again ring the the police 2 nd time they came round 250 dollar fine...they were drunk started up again when the police left...called police again this time they ment buisness took the stereo away with them plus another 250 fine .sorted.no more noise .as for ringing the council they'd just laugh at you here .I've never heard of anything as stupid as keeping a diary for noise F,F.sake.noise can be torture ring the cops thats what they're there for!

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I know what your going through justin ,but I'm a afraid I can't lend you my 12 bore shotgun to splatter is brains out on the wall cos I'm over in oz at the moment, but if you can what till late nov I'll try and get you some fragment grenades in through customs.In oz I 've had noisey neigbhours i ring the police they shutup, 30 minutes later started again ring the the police 2 nd time they came round 250 dollar fine...they were drunk started up again when the police left...called police again this time they ment buisness took the stereo away with them plus another 250 fine .sorted.no more noise .as for ringing the council they'd just laugh at you here .I've never heard of anything as stupid as keeping a diary for noise F,F.sake.noise can be torture ring the cops thats what they're there for!


In England the only function of the cops is to intimidate motorists.


Any harder target they are frightened to approach.

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Just play back some loud Opera, preferably Klingon and put it on a loop, then go out for several hours.


I`ve had Wagner on all day, speakers up against his wall and blankets over them, although that was mainly to mask the noise from his TV rather than me trying to get back at him !

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Does anyone have any experience in using "white noise" to mask a neighbour`s stereo/TV ?


We`ve tried putting on some classical music to mask it but it`s got to be so loud to completely mask it that we can`t work, and in the quiet bits you can still hear the noise from next door......

One truly doe not appreciate what one has until one hasn`t got it anymore. I`ve owned this shop for 14 years and had quiet, but now a new neighbour has moved into the adjoining flat and the noise of his stereo/TV is winding me up. It`s not really really loud but I can hear it quite plainly and when I`m trying to concentrate it winds me up like you`ve never known. In fact I got so worked up the other day I "lost it" and the police were called !


I can see why people want detached houses, just when the Government are trying to cram more and more flats/detached houses onto all the land......


watch the same tv channel with your sound off.

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  • 1 month later...
you need to keep record of dates and times for environment agency or wait until you know he's asleep and then put 1812 overture on at full blast, you'll soon know if he's deaf


Thi is not an Environment Agency issue. It's the Environmental Health dept. of the local authority that deals with this

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I have noticed when we put the fan on it helps drown out the noise, but that`s not appropriate in the winter ( ! ) so wondered if we could get a CD with white noise on it to work in a similar way.


An old computer fan does similar but still I can find that annoying, there's time for real quiet...


If you were to do a white noise thing i'd choose a wind CD, I love those strong gales...


I had a neighbour like this once (old guy with hearing aid), I ended up putting headphones (totally enclosed studio ones, not semis or plugs, etc) on. Works for a bit but then hurts and is uncomfortable, and in the quiet parts I could still feel the (film) bass through the sofa.


Other way which I always meant to look into was noise cancelling. Dunno if there is anything which will do it, doubt it... New invention here anybody???



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Why not get some eggboxes or pyramid foam packing and stick them to the wall thats shared? this is the standard way of sound proofing a room to stop sound getting out, but it also stops sound getting in...


heres a link to the exact stuff you need... its not overly expensive for one wall.. http://www.xlprosystems.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=500

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