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So, the fireworks have started again..

Classic Rock

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I have thought of buying a Thundershirt but they are a bit pricey. Would not mind the cost if I knew that they worked but although there are good reviews there are others that say they did not work. I have an ordinary, fleece lined dog coat and tried that fastened firmly (not too tight). She's a small dog so I held her close and she did settle down.


I've heard of body wraps like the

and wondered if that might help.Maybe a large crepe bandage would do the trick.


I started the Nutracalm on Monday and so far my dog has been quite relaxed but as yet the noise has not been bad around here. It is said to work quite quickly so if you fancy giving it a go then best to contact your vet. If they don't have any, Hall Court are stocking it - they have a branch at Handsworth. Have also started her on a small amount of Natures Menu raw turkey complete at dinner time to top up the tryptophan.


The Nutracalm leaflet says a carbohydrate meal immediately before the noise begins should help. Maybe mashed potato/sweet potato would suffice. When I give mine sweet potato I pierce it and cook it for about 11/12 minutes on full power in the microwave - comes out nice and soft. Alternatively, it can be cut in strips and cooked slowly in a low oven to make crunchy treats.


They say that sedatives are not thought to be useful because the dog can still hear the noise, be distressed by it but cannot react.


I've tried Adaptil collar and herbal remedies in the past with no luck. My dog is too old to start desensitization and I really don't want to trouble her with it. I think it will be television/music on at full blast - just deciding on Mozart or Strauss!

I think its to late to get hold of any Nutracalm now but I will get some for new year, plus more Adaptil plus pretend thundershirt and if that lot doesn't work I just dont know.

It's unbearable to see just how upset they get from it, it really upsets me as well, this is the link to making a DIY Thundershirt, I am using winter scarves for want of anything else :D


Thunder shirt thingy!

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My dog seems unaffected by the fireworks, and slept as usual. I've kept the cats in so I know they're safe. The yearling doesn't mind being in at all. But the older girl started with her 'I want to go out' yowl at 3am this morning and pretty much never stopped. She's gone quiet now I've given up on sleeping, Sod's law! I daren't let her out for a few hours in the daytime because she might not come back tonight, but some sleep would be nice :(

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