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Lets get it in perspective a thread about Farhad maybe fighting other forum members has over 3400 views.


Also are you going to post your website link on CW and EFN?


Hi Ross,


Not sure what CW and EFN are. So I wont be no.


Good point on the 3400 views though.

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Hey Big Mick. If you're looking for a good place to knuckle down and train BJJ you could do worse than to check out Sheffield Martial Arts Centre :)

We offer legit BJJ training under Italo Ferreira (Brazilian Black Belt, you should defintely check him out!!) and our weekday classes are taught by Mark Hayes, who at the moment is a certified Blue Belt under Italo. You can find more details here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=638993 or on our website: http://www.sheffieldmartialartscentre.co.uk


Now that the plug is over (!!!) I just want to say that you shouldn't let this thread put you off training at EKBJJ North or GB Sheffield if they are where you want to train. Mark Bottom, Jon Keeley, The Rage and a few other EKBJJ guys have attended a number of our seminars and they've always been really friendly and professional. Mark's BJJ is also pretty damn good, and the few times I've rolled with him he's wiped the floor with me :)


Just want to say that I really enjoyed the last semina with you guys, I met some really nice people. Rolling with Italo Ferreira was great!

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Hey Big Mick. If you're looking for a good place to knuckle down and train BJJ you could do worse than to check out Sheffield Martial Arts Centre :)

.... and our weekday classes are taught by Mark Hayes, who at the moment is a certified Blue Belt under Italo.


Now that the plug is over (!!!) I just want to say that you shouldn't let this thread put you off training at EKBJJ North or GB Sheffield if they are where you want to train. Mark Bottom, Jon Keeley, The Rage and a few other EKBJJ guys have attended a number of our seminars and they've always been really friendly and professional. Mark's BJJ is also pretty damn good, and the few times I've rolled with him he's wiped the floor with me :)


cheers ... just like to add that GB Sheffield is taught by John Goldson 3 stripe brown belt under Lagarto Rodrigues (2nd degree black belt under Carlos Gracie jnr & former world champ) Lagarto visits almost monthly (brazilian months) Lucio Sergio Dos Santos visits regular (1st degree black belt under Carlos Gracie jnr)


there are regularly 3 brown belts on the mat and around 10/11 purple belts of varying stripe levels and a rake of blue belts. There are BJJ medal winners at national and international level with a growing number of solid high quality mma fighters.


The fundamentals class regularly has around 35 people turn up (in fact we are having to extend) a testament to the quality of club ran by John G

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is it true gracie barra members get a stripe on there belt after a set amount of time?


that smells of mc-dojo to me a little


Also EKBJJ have belt guidelines on their website.


but they are the minimum timescales or guidelines but i can tell you from personal experience that i have seen many people have to wait a lot longer than the timescales ... also some have been faster than the timescale but these are generally the exception (and have made exceptional progress) ... all belts are personally assessed by Lagarto


basically as is the tradition in BJJ ... you get them when you are ready, anyone who thinks its a mcdojo should come to a sparring class and see for themselves


in the words of draculino ... "they don't even have to pay" :hihi:



no apologies for the repost ... nuff said

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Over 1000 views!


Tick tick - boom!




Yes, before you say it, I know its crashed 50 percent of computers, 48 percent have got bored of it loading.


But 1000 people now know of EKBJJ North :)


hmmn ... 487 of them are from my comp ... its stuck in the page loading loop

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Just want to say that I really enjoyed the last semina with you guys, I met some really nice people. Rolling with Italo Ferreira was great!


Thanks Harry :) hope you can make the next one! Rolling with Italo is ALWAYS great!!!


BTW you should consider posting links to the new site on EFN and CW as it may help with SEO. I know that Flash-built websites can be hard to optimise, and the link-building could help drive the site up Google rankings...

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